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6 New Game Titles for the Holidays

By November 18, 2015August 21st, 2019No Comments
Fallout 4

Fallout 4With the holidays right around the corner, now is a good time to check out which games are coming out for us to enjoy while home for the holidays.

There are some major titles coming out just in time to be stocking stuffers for the gamers in your house. This year is the year of the sequels. Lots of games are set to release this holiday season to return. It will be an interesting fight to see which game will win as being the best gift. Most of these titles are meant for teens or greater, so make sure you’re not shopping for those little elves in the house. Here’s a list of games to watch for this season.

COD Black Ops 3 – November 6th

Treyarch continues to put out an even more modern warfare with Black Ops 3, adding some features reminiscent to Titanfall and destiny. Those who love multiplayer FPSs and fans of the series will love it.

Fallout 4 – November 10th

The fallout series is one of my favorites and this newest edition offers the open world experience I love with the updated graphics engine I’ve been waiting for since Skyrim was released. The Fallout games are epic stories which give me hours of enjoyment. I can’t wait to play this one. Fallout is a great game for those who love role playing and single player adventures, but its violence and gore might be a little too much for the little ones in the family.

Star Wars Battlefront 2015 – November 17th

Star Wars Battlefront is just one of those games everyone is looking forward to. Combining the love of Star Wars with the Dice engine is a great chance to have massive vehicles and battlefields along with realistic character models with nearly perfect animations and lighting. This should be a good all-around fun game for just about any gamer out there.

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – November 19th

Set in London 1868, Assassins Creed continues its stealthy fun while incorporating trains and even horse carriages in combat. Syndicate gives the player the ability to switch between two main characters to focus on either combat or stealthy responses to situations throughout the game.

Just Cause 3 – December 1st

Just Cause is a great open world action game featuring Rico Rodriguez, or Scorpio, as he’s referred to throughout the game. It will feature a new map similar in size to the previous game, but now offers volumetric terrain which will allow the player to explore caves and buildings. So get your grappling hook ready for another adventure.

Rainbow Six Siege – December 1st

It’s been years since the original Rainbow Six games captured many nights of gameplay. This one looks to bring back the fun of the originals while blending into the more modern style we’re more familiar to. Being able to blow up walls and doors will add a new dimension to gameplay and level design we haven’t seen since Red Faction.

What games are you looking forward to this year? Let us know in the comments below.

Author Dennis Kralik

A Newegg Insider contributor

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