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PicsArt: One of the Best Photo Apps Ever

By March 11, 2015No Comments

picsart app

I’ve been searching for a high quality photo-editing app for a long time. My only requirements were it be easy to learn and deliver high performance. PicsArt, I think, is it.

But I’ll let you be the judge.

Who Knew Being Creative Could Be so Much Fun?

Creating a masterpiece on the go has never been as convenient, seamless and beautiful as it is with PicsArt. Using this well-crafted and powerful app is a lot of fun and easy to master.

Once you download the app, it guides you through editing your first image. This tutorial is fast and fully informative: afterwards you will have no problems experimenting on the rest of the photos in your library.

To demonstrate this app’s power, take a look at the image I edited below. Keep in mind I haven’t been using PicsArt for too long but I think you’ll be impressed. I’m sure there are better examples of what this app can do, so please share them in the comments.

How I Made My Masterpiece

I really enjoy the different filters and altering the surroundings. Here’s the first phase of an image I worked on:


Joe Joe sits on a surreal landscape after a few filters and blurring.

Although, I liked the way Joe Joe looked, I wanted to continue to experiment. So I saved this image and used the free cropping tool to cut out the dog. I then changed the color saturation. After a few more blurring effects to the background, I was ready to bring Joe Joe back in.

Surprisingly, this was a lot of fun.


Final phase of my Joe Joe “masterpiece.”

A Useful Tool for Many People

There are many uses for Picsart aside from pure entertainment. For example: You can use this app to edit a picture before sending it your boss or for updating your social media profiles. It’s also great for creating images for your websites or projects.

With over 200 million devices running PicsArt, it has grown to be one of the most reputable photo applications on the mobile market. Try it out and let me know what you think. It will be interesting to see how users on different platforms feel about it.

What other apps do you use for photo editing?

Author Newegg Staff

Newegg Insider writers and contributors from throughout the team.

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