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The Ultimate Friendsgiving: How Newegg Celebrates Thanksgiving

By November 26, 2015No Comments
Corsair Liquid CPU Cooler

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We at Newegg are thankful to have great customers and fans who love building PCs. To celebrate Thanksgiving we are having a Newegg Friendsgiving, filled with PC building! So what is a Newegg Friendsgiving? It’s kind of like a Thanksgiving potluck where friends get together and bring their own PC parts! The idea came to me while thinking about a way to make my own Friendsgiving more interesting. Each friend will bring a category of computer components and they will all share to build PCs together. If organizing it gets too complicated, then everyone can bring over their own parts. The key is to have fun building PCs with friends!

The Ultimate PC Building Friendsgiving

Cooler Master

A PC building Friendsgiving is all about having fun with people who really enjoy building PCs. It’s for people who really want to upgrade or would like a new mini desktop computer. Make it fun and change it up to fit your group. There are no set rules, just be careful when communicating with each other. You’ll want to make sure everything is compatible.

Designate a person to bring each type of item. One friend will bring Hard Drives or SSDs. Another might bring RAM or motherboards. Pick amongst your friends who will bring each item. To make sure everything is compatible, work together to select your PC items into a Wish List. This way it’s absolutely clear what items are needed. Some parts will cost more than others, so you will have to budget out how much each person wants to contribute.

Choosing the Right PC


You and your friends might disagree on what to build. Thankfully there are many ways of sorting this out.

Option 1: You can all go the individual route and bring your own parts or pay for your own items in the wish list.

Option 2: Everyone can agree on the type of PC they want to build. You can all put it to a vote. The best method I can think of to come up with build options is to look at the requirements of your favorite games. Pick a game you all love playing together and build a rig to meet its specs.

Corsair Liquid CPU Cooler

Whatever you build, it would be a good idea to check out our Black Friday deals. They start early this year and involve thousands of items. I’m sure there will be something to add to your Friendsgiving. There are even some combo deals, so be sure to check it out.

PC Building Gone Mad

Intel I7

It would be fun to get a group of friends together building new systems while snacking on the best foods. This is one of the many ways hardcore PC builders celebrate the holidays.

It’s always fun to put things together with friends. I remember the days I used to play with LEGOs. Building with other people added a new dimension to something which was already fun. The same goes for building PCs. It’s just cooler.

Build the systems and start having the Turkey and gravy while the OS installs. Just make sure not to get any of it into the case.

After Build LAN Party

TP-Link Router

Once you and your friends are done it’s time to have a LAN party! What better way to celebrate Thanksgiving and your new systems than playing your favorite game with friends?

Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you have a great holiday season, from Newegg. If you decide to do your own Newegg Friendsgiving let us know.

Author Newegg Staff

Newegg Insider writers and contributors from throughout the team.

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