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Star Wars the Force Awakens Is Almost Here! Time to Reminisce and Look Forward to the New Star Wars Movies!

By December 11, 2015No Comments
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Star Wars is finally coming back and I’m getting excited. While there have been many games and toys throughout the years, it’s the strong memories of the original movies I love most. When episode one was announced I had the same feeling I have today. Waiting to see these stories continue and find out all the details in-between, but it just didn’t hold up the joy I had from the originals.

I always cursed the fact the prequels were made rather than the sequels. The prequels simply lack drama when you know which character will be in the next three films. Chances are they are going to survive the space battle or dual. After so many years, I now have a new hope for these movies. I finally get to see the movies I have been waiting for so long.

Staying excited and in suspense of the movie is tough for me cause I love the toys and games, but they often reveal too much of the film. I’m always trying to avoid the toy section prior to seeing the movie, it seems like the toy vendors never got the memo about spoilers. I used to see toys like Luke’s Real Father or Luke’s Severed Hand. Well I guess I know what happens in the movie now. The toy section is filling up with new vehicles and characters as we get closer to the movie’s release.

A Look Back

Star Wars has been a big part of growing up and how I enjoyed the movies and toys. It was an integral part of my childhood, and will likely be a part of my baby’s life too. Knowing it will be some time before she’s old enough to enjoy it is just like my own childhood. I as well was too young for the original, but I do remember seeing the sequels in the theater. It’s frightening getting older, knowing so much about the world, and now I don’t think I can enjoy movies like I did when I was a kid, the classic action popcorn movies just aren’t my taste anymore, neither is the popcorn. Watching the teaser trailer put a tearful smile on my face and reminded me of being a joyful kid craving for more.

Merchandising! Merchandising!

Along with the movies comes a new set of action figures, light sabers and video games. All of which remind us of our childhood. Star Wars PC games keep going long after the movies fade away, and there are tons of Lucas Arts games to choose. The Star Wars games kept the love for the wars alive after all the different special editions of the films were released too. Games like X-Wing and Rebel Assault were some of first games before multiplayer gameplay became popular. My friends and I had to take turns playing. Soon after Dark Forces and Battlefront arrived. Many people felt these games were clones of popular games skinned with a Star Wars theme, but we didn’t care. We were already modding chainsaw sprites in Doom into light sabers. We all wanted to be our heroes and keep the adventure going. I hope I can enjoy the new Battlefront as much as I did back then playing against friends. It’s an exciting time to be a Star Wars fan and I can’t wait to share the joys with my young padawan.

The Tech Awakens Sweepstakes!

Tech Sweepstakes

While waiting for the movies, sign up today for Newegg’s Tech Awakens Sweepstakes!  Click here for more information.  There will be tons and prizes and plenty of chances to win.

What are some of your fondest Star Wars memories? Are you excited about Star Wars Awakens?

Author Dennis Kralik

A Newegg Insider contributor

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