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Buying Guide: Warm Beverage Makers and Ideas For Fall

By October 11, 2013No Comments

Even here in Southern California, it’s starting to get a bit chilly outside. That makes it the perfect time to enjoy some hot beverages!

Sure, you’re used to shopping for computer items here at But did you know we also have a complete Small Kitchen Appliances store? You can get everything you need for the coming cool weather right here at your favorite place to shop!

Coffee, tea, hot chocolate – the choice is yours! I’m more of a tea drinker, so I’ll start there. For your basic water heating, I recommend an electric kettle, and has plenty to choose from! They’re much faster than stovetop kettles, while using far less energy to boot. For added safety, they also shut off automatically. What’s your favorite kind of tea? There’s so many to choose from. At the moment I’m in an Earl Grey cycle, but at night I prefer something without caffeine, like chamomile or rooibos. If you’re a bit overwhelmed by the many choices at the store, never fear! Just use your favorite search engine to find an online tea community. There you’ll find lively discussions of flavor profiles, brewing preferences, recipes, serving ideas, and new products.

If you’re a coffee fan, there’s no need to go out for expensive drinks! Save your time and money with one of the new single-serve pod brewers, like the Keurig brewing system. We have several models to choose from, so there’s sure to be one that fits your needs. You can also find your favorite K-Cup flavors here – all kinds of coffee, plus tea and hot chocolate. And next year, even three varieties of Campbell’s Soup will be available in K-Cups. You’ll be ready for every hot beverage contingency!

With so many choices available, you also might want to consider a storage system to keep your K-Cup collection neat and tidy. They only take up a small amount of counter space, and your favorite flavors will be right at your fingertips.

If you’d rather not try the single-serve pod brewers, that’s fine! We’ve got plenty of other choices. In our Small Kitchen Appliances store you’ll also find a wide array of automatic coffee makers and cappuccino/espresso machines, as well as coffee grinders and coffee maker accessories. You’ll be spoiled for choice!

Why not break in your new coffee maker with this easy recipe for Mocha Coffee? Just pour one cup of hot brewed coffee into a mug, and stir in one tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons of milk, and sugar to taste. What could be simpler? You can even top it with whipped cream and a bit of chocolate syrup! Or if you’d prefer something different in tea, try this green tea with lemon and pomegranate idea. Fill a large mug with one cup of boiling water, add a green tea bag, a thin slice of ginger, a lemon wedge, and two- to three tablespoons of lightly crushed pomegranate arils. Let the tea bag steep for three to five minutes, remove, and sweeten as desired.

Enjoy the autumn season with Newegg!

Author Newegg Staff

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