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Buying Guides

Buying Guide: Grilling time is nearly here

By April 7, 2011December 5th, 2017No Comments
Hemi-Grill (via

As the weather continues to become warmer, outside activities are on a lot of people’s minds.

This, of course, means it’s almost grilling season. Whether you are on the go or setting up shop at a backyard barbeque party, the smell of a grill cooking food is synonymous with the outdoors and warm months.

There are many different kinds of grills out there, and for some people, as long as it cooks the grub, that’s probably good enough.

However, if you are meticulous about how your food is cooked, there are plenty of upscale grills out there, especially at If quantity and quality is needed, deluxe grills offer more grilling space to keep the burgers and hot dogs cooking at a steady pace.

There are also smaller grills that can be used for camping trips, tailgate parties or those late nights at the beach. If space is an issue, there are indoor grills that include smokeless broilers, which distribute heat more evenly and don’t set off the fire alarms.

No matter where you live or how much space is available, there is a grill for every situation.

Hemi-Grill (via

Well ALMOST any situation. (image found on

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