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Newegg awards New York City school with a $25,000 computer lab

By April 14, 2011No Comments
Ms. Deak and Newegg's Kevin Lee cut the ribbon
Award Winner Andrea Deak speaks to the crowd

Award Winner Ms. Andrea Deak speaks to the crowd

Last week, Newegg took a trip to New York City for a special ribbon-cutting ceremony. We presented the “Nominate Your Teacher” award to our Grand Prize winner, Ms. Andrea Deak from the H.S. 570 Satellite Academy in Manhattan.

Through her care and dedication to her students, Ms. Deak was selected as the standout educator from a wide selection of teachers across the U.S. and Canada.  However, her students were the real winners. As part of herBefore and After prize, Newegg and AMD joined forces to completely revamp the school’s computer lab with the latest technology. The new lab marks a positive and meaningful step forward for H.S. 570 Satellite Academy and New York City education.

Satellite Academy High School is a small alternative school, filled with 250 students and 14 teachers.  Many of these children have transferred from other very large NYC high schools for various reasons, such as poor attendance or academic performance. The Satellite Academy offers these kids the chance to get back on track toward earning their diplomas.

Unfortunately, because the school is so small, funding can be tricky.  The students were working on seriously out-of-date computers.   At Newegg, we have always been committed to education.  Young people need to be well versed with various technologies to have the best chance to succeed. We couldn’t be happier to have had the opportunity to completely rebuild Satellite Academy’s computer lab.

Situations like this one are why we created the ‘Nominate Your Teacher Awards’ in the first place. It is a way for our millions of customers to recognize deserving educators and help improve our schools.  Ms. Deak has gone above and beyond the call of duty and she should be very proud of everything she has accomplished.  You can check out our full interview with her here.

It was a great honor for all of us at Newegg to present these awards to both Ms. Deak and to H.S. 570.   Congratulations!

Ms. Deak and Newegg's Kevin Lee cut the ribbon

Ms. Deak and Newegg's Kevin Lee cut the ribbon


Author Newegg Staff

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