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New Sleep Apnea Treatment Approved by FDA

By May 2, 2014No Comments
sleep apnea

Good news for sleep apnea sufferers: the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently approved of a new kind of therapy for obstructive sleep apnea. This new implant, developed by Inspire Medical Systems, stimulates the patient’s airway to keep it open during sleep.


Sleep apnea, which affects as many as 18 million Americans, is a sleep disorder that occurs when the airway becomes blocked during sleep, causing the affected individual to pause in breathing. These pauses can last from a few seconds to a few minutes, causing sleep quality to suffer. This can result in feeling groggy and slow during the daytime.

Because the disorder is only apparent during sleep, it is often identified by others. Clear symptoms include loud snoring and irregular pauses in breathing, often followed by a loud snort. While more common in overweight individuals, sleep apnea can manifest in anybody, including children.

A common non-surgical treatment of sleep apnea is the CPAP machine, in which the patient wears a mask attached to a breathing apparatus. The device pumps a consistent flow of oxygen to the patient’s lungs. While usually effective, CPAP treatment often leaves the patient with a dry mouth and lips. It can also be very uncomfortable, causing patients to feel trapped and irritated.

The Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation Therapy involves surgically implanting a device in the patient’s chest and uses an FDA-approved neurostimulation system to keep key airway muscles from closing. The device can then be activated before bedtime via a remote control. According to Inspire, “patients implanted with Inspire therapy… experienced a 68 percent reduction in apnea events.”

While the treatment does not yet have a price, it is expected to be available later this year.

Author Anthony Chen

Newegg Insider contributor.

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