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An Apple iHome Coming Soon?

Imagine it – you’re talking to your significant other on your iPhone – with your Bluetooth, of course – as you drive up to your house. You fumble with your garage door opener, then stumble into your house, reach for the light switch, turn off your alarm, turn the AC or heat on, open windows, etc., all while trying to convince your beau that you really are listening to their story about the rude guy at the checkout line in the grocery store.

Now, image this instead – you’re talking to your significant other on your iPhone – with your Bluetooth, of course – as you drive up to your house. As you pull into the driveway, your iPhone signals your house, and the garage door opens. The lights inside the house turn on. The alarm disengages. The climate controller adjusts to the right temperature. Maybe your laptop even boots up and plays your favorite song on iTunes. All while trying to convince your beau that you really are listening to their story about the rude guy at the checkout line in the grocery store.

The second scenario may become reality in the near future. Apple is rumored to be creating a platform for Smarthome functionality that will finally send your house into the future.

This is late in coming, in my opinion. The Smarthome idea and myriad products have been around now for several years. (Incidentally, ahem, Newegg has been carrying loads of Smarthome products for quite some time. Check the link below to see some.) But even if you belong to those who hate all things Apple, some argue that Steve Jobs and Co. really pioneered the user-friendly computer applications with cute icons and smiley faces on the desktop. An “iHome” seems to me like a natural forward step for them in the process of unifying mobile devices with in-home electronics and appliances. It makes sense.  Apple is the company to do it.

Up until now, only the tech savvy – in both hardware and software – are really equipped to create a true Smarthome setup.  Imagine if one company sold all the components – and the app to control them. And it was created for the low tech populace. Apple should have been here years ago.

I guess they‘ve been too busy acquiring Beats, as of late. But now that’s done, it’s back to business.

Why hasn’t Microsoft jumped on this? Or another company that could do it cheaper than Microsoft or Apple? Maybe the demand is still too low. Perhaps it’s the economy. Maybe Microsoft was too busy handling the Windows 8 launch/8.1 re-launch and keeping Xbox fans happy. Who knows. Google acquired Nest recently, but that was a baby step. There are companies out there who will smartify your home for a price, of course, but I’m anticipating the day the common consumer can set up a whole system on a Saturday afternoon, plug-n’-play style. The components are all there. Let’s get ‘em together.

Hey, while we’re talking about it, check out some Newegg smart home products here.

Sadly, this blurb about an Apple Smarthome platform is still in the arena of rumors, I confess. But we’ll keep an eye out for Apple’s next move. Let’s hope it’s soon. And let’s also hope that if it does become reality, homes don’t get hacked and held for ransom like those Australians’ iPhones.

Author Jason Blandford

Newegg Insider contributor.

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