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The Anonabox Could Make Online Privacy a Reality, But So Can You

By October 15, 2014No Comments
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The Anonabox uses Tor to protect your privacy.

Yesterday’s post about preventing hacking attacks drew some interesting comments on what people can do to protect their online privacy. Ideas ranged from running your own Internet server, abandoning technology altogether, or me removing my tin-foil hat to allow the blood to rush back to my brain (thanks for the tip, Jim!).

All of these suggestions are great, but are not exactly easy to accomplish. However, there may soon be a solution that is not only simple, but promises to keep you anonymous on the web — and it’s called the Anonabox.

But is it too good to be true?

The Anonabox Provides Encryption for Everyone

The Anonabox is an Internet networking device that runs on Tor — an open-source software program that protects users against traffic analysis and network surveillance. The pocket-sized device is designed to connect to your modem or router and allows you to use any wireless device on your network while remaining anonymous. If your device doesn’t have wireless capability, you can also connect it directly to the Anonabox.


The Anonabox doesn’t guarantee it will eliminate the risk of getting hacked, but it does offer many benefits to keep you safe.

Benefits of The Anonabox

  • Protects your privacy from unscrupulous marketers and identity thieves
  • Protects your communications from irresponsible corporations
  • Allows research of sensitive topics
  • Protects your household by hiding your physical location from websites
  • Hides your web activity from unwanted surveillance and spying
  • Circumvents censorship and bypasses web filtering systems
  • Anonymous access and sharing of information
  • Access to parts of the Internet that are otherwise unreachable

The Anonabox is very simple to use and only requires you to plug it in. There is no extra hardware required or software that you need to install. It’s also relatively cheap.

By donating $51 to its Kickstarter campaign, anyone can become anonymous when they go online. But there’s a catch.

Is the Anonabox for Real?

There are some critics of the Anonabox who are questioning the claims made by the device’s creator, August Germar. And after holding a Reddit AMA yesterday afternoon, there may be reason to be concerned.

For starters, the Anonabox is not unique. While the Kickstarter description does claim Germar “designed” the device himself, many users on Reddit pointed out that it resembles stock devices available from Chinese suppliers. And after some digging by WIRED, Germar admitted the router and case were indeed provided by a Chinese company called Gainstrong.

This means anyone can make an Anonabox with something as simple as a Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi

This can do the same thing as the Anonabox if you want it to.

Germar’s admission hasn’t prevented the Kickstarter campaign from exploding. In just two days, the Anonabox surpassed its pledge goal of $7,500 by over half a million dollars and proved one thing: People are concerned about their online privacy.

Tor isn’t a new development. The anonymity network has been in use since 2002 and millions of people are using it every day. There are also do-it-yourself projects like the Torouter and PORTAL that allow you to do the same thing. But the Anonabox is different because it makes it easy. And that may be reason enough to buy one despite the mini-controversy surrounding its creator.

Whether you decide to buy an Anonabox or build your own Tor network, there are definitely many different types of users who can benefit.

Potential Uses

  • Residential
    • Plug it in next to your current Wi-Fi router for an easy way to securely share Internet access
  • Sports Fans
    • Use it to stream live audio or video from games that are blocked in your specific area
  • Journalists
    • The encrypted connection will grant access to the Internet in places where the web is being censored
  • Businesses
    • Customers can connect to public networks and be protected from each other

What do you think? Can the Anonabox protect your online privacy? Will you buy one or build your own? Is Tor the answer to the problem? Let us know in the comments below!

Author Ivan Barajas

More posts by Ivan Barajas