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Buying Guide: The Best Board Games to Play Over the Holidays

By November 17, 2014No Comments

When we think of “games” we usually imagine the latest video game console or an awesome gaming PC. But believe it or not, board games are a close second to video games when it comes to gifting over the holidays — and with good reason.

Board games are no longer boring.

According to game journalist Quintin Smith, we are currently living in a “board game renaissance” as sales have increased 10 to 20 percent over the last decade. This is a result of better designs, greater variety, and increasing realization that board games are one of the best ways to be social.

You’re probably going to be spending a lot of time with friends and relatives over the holidays and will no doubt be looking for something fun to do. And if you’re tired of playing the same old games or are simply looking for something new, here are the 10 best board games to help you pass the time while having loads of fun:

1. Star Trek: Catan

Players: 3-4

Playing Time: 75 Minutes

Ages: 10+

The Settlers of Catan is one of the most popular multiplayer games ever – both as a video game and board game. Trekkies will get a kick out of the Star Trek edition because it brings the adventures of the Starship Enterprise to a brand new world never settled before. Experienced players of Catan will also get a kick out of establishing Outpost and Starbases all throughout the galaxy.

2. Risk 2210 A.D.

Players: 2-5

Playing Time: 240 Minutes

Ages: 10+

There are many variants to the long-running Risk series but 2210 A.D. is easily one of the best. Set in the not-so-distant future, this game is loaded with epic battles fought by machines of destruction known as MODs. And while there are many new features added to the game, everyone’s favorite is the institution of a five-turn game limit that allows you to finish in about three hours.

3. Risk: Mass Effect Galaxy of War

Players: 2-5

Playing Time: 90 Minutes

Ages: 12+

If you’re a fan of the Mass Effect video game series you’ll love this edition of Risk. Complete with over 250 custom game pieces, the Galaxy of War edition offers three distinct play modes. So whether you want to play a standard game of Risk, as an individual or in a team, or something a little more fast-paced; this is the game for you.

4. Dominion: Seaside

Players: 2-4

Playing Time: 30 Minutes

Ages: 10+

This game is an expansion to both Dominion and Dominion: Intrigue and requires you own either to play. You also need to have a lot of experience playing the base game because Seaside is serious business. If you think you have what it takes to steer a rat-infested ship across pirate-infested waters, this expansion is guaranteed to test your skills.

5. Arkham Horror: Dunwich Horror

Players: 1-8

Playing Time: 240 Minutes

Ages: 12+

This is a large-box expansion to the Arkham Horror series and attaches a new board (Dunwich) to the end of the original Arkham board. With nine new locations and two new outer worlds added to the game, Dunwich Horror brings an entirely new element to the base game. Nearly 200 cards are at your disposal to help you fight the horror that has manifested on the Whateley farm.

 6. Monopoly: World of Warcraft

Players: 2-6

Playing Time: As long as it takes!

Ages: 8+

Monopoly has been a long-time favorite for many people for one simple reason: It provides endless hours of fun. The World of Warcraft edition customizes the game with characters, tokens, and money that’s featured in WoW. If you thought Monopoly was fun before, just wait until you’re able to play as a Doomhammer and try to buy the ominous Twilight Highlands.

7. Trivial Pursuit: Doctor Who

Players: 2-6

Playing Time: Varies

Ages: 12+

Do you think you know much about Dr. Who? This game definitely puts your knowledge to the ultimate test with over 600 questions celebrating 50 years of the iconic television show. Questions cover every topic you can think of including specific episodes, villains, quotes, plot lines, and more. You’ll never watch the show the same again after playing this game.

8. The Walking Dead: Woodbury

Players: 1-5

Playing Time: 45 Minutes

Ages: 15+

Woodbury is an expansion to The Walking Dead Board Game: The Best Defense and brings a whole new challenge to the small group of survivors. If you thought the original game was a fright fest, wait until you visit Woodbury where you have to hide from The Governor (automated game piece) as he shoots everything in his path!

9. Clue: Dungeons & Dragons

Players: 2-6

Playing Time: 90 Minutes

Ages: 8+

While it doesn’t resemble any D&D gameplay, this game is the perfect introduction for those of you wanting to play Dungeons & Dragons. On top of playing a wonderful game of Clue, you’ll also be familiarizing yourself with D&D characters, weapons, and locations. All it takes is one game before you start looking for your own Flaming Battle Axe or Staff of Power.

10. Cards Against Humanity: House of Cards

Players: 4-30

Playing Time: 30 Minutes

Ages: 17+

I saved the last game on this list for the adults. If you’ve never played Cards Against Humanity it may seem a little odd. But if you’re at a party with grown-ups, this is perfect game to play deep into the night. Filled with endless funny answers and hilarious setup cards, the House of Cards edition will be a sure-fire hit for any fan of the Netflix series.

What do you think? Do you play board games? What’s your favorite board game? Why do you think board games are so popular? Let us know in the comments below!

Author Ivan Barajas

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