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The 5 Best Ideas from CES 2015

By January 9, 2015August 21st, 2019No Comments

Now that CES is coming to a close, it’s time to piece together the puzzle of gadgets and figure out which ones will define 2015 and beyond. This year’s event was full of interesting ideas and while some of them just seem whacky, others seem destined to revolutionize the way we live.

Here are the five best ideas from CES 2015:

#1 3D Printing

It seems like 3D printing has been on the verge of going mainstream for the last three years. And although the technology has gotten better as the prices of machines have gotten cheaper, not many people own a 3D printer.

This is partly because 3D printers are considered difficult to use. And unless you’re a die-hard enthusiast you probably don’t want to be bothered with a steep learning curve.

3D scanning solves this problem.

Instead of having to tinker with settings, 3D scanners are able to transform any real-world object into a high-quality 3D model without much effort. The simplicity of 3D scanning has been compared to using a digital camera and could be the device that finally delivers 3D printing to the masses.

Notable Products: Fuel3D SCANIFY, Bq Ciclop

#2 Televisions

4K TV’s haven’t been around long but manufacturers are already making 8K displays. These screens may be beautiful to look at, but they are important for a much different reason: money.

Because it’s difficult to create content in 4K resolution, TV’s with 1080p and 2K resolution will soon become cheaper — much cheaper. This is a very good thing, too, because consumers are the target demographic for these smaller displays.

Unless you have a giant living room and endless money to spend, you probably won’t find much use for a 110-inch 8K 3DTV. But the mere fact that it exists is good news for those of you who are still satisfied with 1920×1080 or 2048×1080 Full HD resolutions.

Notable Products: LG 98-inch OLED Display, Samsung 110-inch 8K SUHD TV

#3 Cars

Cars have become an extension of our electronics and are rapidly becoming the most advanced consumer electronic yet. Whether it’s self-driving, loaded with computers, or runs on an alternative fuel; automobiles are clearly the next frontier of smart technology.

Automakers have realized this and are now integrating features into cars that make us safer while simplifying our lives. Android Auto and Apple CarPlay are just the beginning too. Pretty soon every new car will have smart features already built-in and our cars will be our favorite gadget.

They may seem quirky at first, but future automobiles will do a lot more than get us from Point A to Point B.

Notable Products: Elio Fleet,Mercedes-Benz F-015  Luxury in Motion

#4 The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things has essentially become “The Internet of Home Automation.” Countless products that connect everything inside your house already exist and if you don’t already own them; you eventually will.

Thanks to the IoT, it’s never been so easy for manufacturers to develop products that connect to the Internet. Thermostats and lighting controls are old news; the home automation of the future is all about self-locking doors, wireless outlets, and anything else you can imagine.

Notable Products: Elgato Eve, Incipio DIRECT Wireless Smart Outlet

#5 Drones

Drones were one of the biggest attractions at this year’s CES and they didn’t disappoint. These gadgets do a lot more than just fly in the air. There are now drones that snap selfies, drones that can fly themselves, and drones that sync seamlessly with your smartphone.

The legal future of drones may be up in the air but that’s not stopping people from buying them. Sales are estimated to surpass $100 million this year and it’s one of the fast growing markets in consumer electronics.

Only four companies showed off their drones at last year’s event, but that number increased to 15 this year. And if you think drones aren’t for “real” tech companies, think again. One of this 15 was Intel.

Notable Products: ZANO Nano Drone, DJI Inspire 1

Which Products Will Succeed?

CES has been showcasing the latest innovations in consumer technology for almost 50 years. Among the products that debuted at the event are VCRs in 1970, CD Players in 1981, and HDTV’s in 1998. And while we can’t predict how successful the products that debuted in 2015 will be, they are in good company.

What do you think? Which products from CES 2015 do you want? Let us know in the comments below!

Author Ivan Barajas

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