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E-readers are here to stay

By April 21, 2011December 5th, 2017No Comments
From the UCB sketch, Diary

Although tablets are all the craze at the current moment in the the technology world that is going at light speed, they have failed in making ereaders obsolete.

From the UCB sketch, Diary

I’m trying to read my cyber novel.


According to ABI Research senior practice director Jeff Orr, despite large amounts of tablets flying off the shelves in 2010, ereaders also grew in terms of sales. Despite many newcomers to the tablet market, the company expects ereaders to continue to withstand the onslaught

“The hype that tablets were displacing portable computers and dedicated CE device purchases simply did not become a reality,” Orr said. “With increasing choices for consumers and greater opportunities for businesses to consider ultra-mobile devices, we expect multiple device categories to benefit in the near term.”

While tablets offer consumers a bit of everything from games to myriad applications, ereaders offer people the ability to read their favorite books on one device. Another key advantage that many ereaders offer over tablets is that the devices are smaller and easier to take with them, so reading on a packed subway or train is not an issue.

(And if you got that obscure UCB reference, we are unbelievably impressed.)

Author Newegg Staff

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