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Google Holds One-Day Glass Sale at Golf Tournament

By May 12, 2014No Comments

“OK Glass, fix my slice.”

Since its announcement, Google Glass has been one of the most sought-after pieces of technology in recent history. The voice-activated wearable computer has been touted by many tech enthusiasts as being the next step into a future where man and machine are melded as one. Although met with harsh criticisms over privacy concerns, thousands of people have been trying to get their hands (and head) on a pair.

Last month, Google opened up their Explorer Program for one day only. For the price of $1,500 USD, anyone that was interested could purchase a pair online without having to get on the Explorer waiting list. The response was overwhelming to say the least as consumers bought out the entire stock of off-white models and most of Google’s inventory in a matter of hours.

Because the one-day online sale was so successful, Google stocked up on Glass and decided to hold another one-day sales event; only this time they had a specific consumer in mind: rich golfers.

Over the weekend, Google set up shop at the PGA Tour’s Player’s Championship where the winning purse was $10 million USD. Those that purchased a Glass device were treated to a free camera accessory that clamped to their golf clubs. The combination of Glass and the camera allowed golfers to get a better view of their swings while measuring the distance and trajectory of their shots. Because these golfers were now Explorers, Google also chatted with them on ways to use Glassware to improve their golf game.


Google hasn’t made an official announcement as to when Glass will be available to the public, but they have done an excellent job in listening to Explorers and improving the device before making it available to the masses. With nine software updates and nearly 50 apps available for Glass, Google is clearly investing a lot of resources into this project. In a recent Google+ post, they hinted that they have plans for more sales events before the product’s launch.

“Our hope is to bring Glass to new Explorers, like optometrists, sports lovers, online retailers, cooks and travelers, who (like you!) can get in early and help make Glass better as part of our open beta, ahead of a wider consumer launch. These are exciting times and we’re glad to have you along for the ride – keep the feedback coming!”Google

Many people were skeptical that the public would adopt wearable technology, but this is clearly not the case anymore. Much like Glass, smartwatches were once considered tacky, but you’d be hard-pressed to walk around any metropolitan area and not find a forward-thinking fashionista with one strapped to his or her wrist. And, as more Explorers purchase Glass, seeing people walking around town with a pair strapped to their head will soon be the norm.

What about you? Will you be purchasing a pair of Glass?


Author Ivan Barajas

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