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Buying Guide: The hottest games of E3 2013

By June 20, 2013December 5th, 2017No Comments

E3 is arguably one of the most hotly anticipated events in the interactive entertainment industry. Attracting developers and publishers from across the globe, E3 has proven to be a Mecca for video game enthusiasts all over the world. However, last year’s event was roundly criticized for the lackluster announcements that were made, and the absence of many enticing new titles on show. The same cannot be said for this year’s conference. Here are some of the most eagerly anticipated games that dropped jaws at E3 2013.

Batman: Arkham Origins
batmanAlthough the developer of the previous two titles in the series is no longer at the helm of the new Batman game, early indications suggest it’s going to be no less impressive. Taking place several years before the events of “Batman: Arkham Asylum,” the third game in the franchise enables players to once again don the cowl of the Caped Crusader. New features include an all-new detective system, allowing gamers to solve crimes using Batman’s sophisticated range of gadgets, a modified combat system and a thrilling new storyline.

Developed by the seasoned veterans of former triple-A studio Infinity Ward, Titanfall managed to draw the biggest crowds at E3. Boasting stunning visuals and innovative control mechanics, Titanfall blends third-person shooter action with intense combat in large mechanical exoskeletons known as mechs. Although Titanfall will be an Xbox One exclusive at launch, a PC version is also being developed.

Quantum Break
Another Xbox One exclusive, Quantum Break is the latest project from acclaimed developer Remedy. Although details of gameplay specifics are scarce at the moment, the game’s E3 demonstration suggests players will be able to warp the very fabric of space and time using advanced technology in this episodic action puzzler.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The concluding installment of the saga of Geralt of Rivia, also known as the Witcher, this title is definitely one to keep an eye on. Developer CD Projekt Red claims the playable game world will be even larger than that of Bethesda Softworks’ critically acclaimed The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and will focus on Geralt’s pursuit of a ghostly band of spectral warriors known as the Wild Hunt, who are intent on taking the life of the kingdom’s ruling monarch.

What video game release are you most looking forward to?

Author Newegg Staff

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