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Newegg and Indiegogo Join Forces for Tech Discovery

By March 29, 2017August 21st, 2019No Comments

At Newegg, we love tech. No surprise there, we’ve been drooling over the latest components and home-built PCs since we started in 2001. You know, back when you still cared about having CD-ROM and 3.5” floppy drives on your machine.

Well those days are long gone, and since then technology has only gotten better. Everyone at Newegg still loves our gadgets, PC building, and gaming, and there is nothing quite like that first moment when you open the box of a new piece of hardware or electronic device. The anticipation, the joy, and, ah yes, the satisfaction of tearing off the plastic wrap is something that just never gets old.

One of the reasons I love what I do is being able to discover innovative tech and share it with as many people as possible, which is exactly what Indiegogo is all about. The crowdfunding platform has been helping entrepreneurs bring their inventions to market since 2008, and from them until now raised well over $800 million in funding.  Their mission of empowering creators to bring their dreams to reality aligns with the DIY heart of Newegg, so a joint partnership makes natural sense.

It’s pretty simple, really. We here at Newegg work with Indiegogo to find the latest and greatest tech innovations, from consumer electronics to home automation, automotive electronics and any other area that has a heavy tech focus, and we help the entrepreneur bring their product to our customers. Each one of these companies invested massive time, energy, and capital into bringing their item to market, so we do our best to help them grow, as we are fortunate to have a customer base that is excited about emerging tech trends.

Indiegogo Products We Love

Cold Brew Coffee On-Demand with BeanPlus- $99.99

At Newegg we love our coffee. Hot, cold, dripped, French pressed, pour-over, you name it, we are getting our caffeine fix in. I generally have an emergency reserve of cold brew coffee on deck for those pesky after-lunch lulls, which takes me 24 hours to brew in a larger (1lb +) batch. The flavor is great, the caffeine level is high, and it has a smooth profile that does the beans a solid justice. However, the large scale and time factor of the setup doesn’t make for a convenient method if I haven’t prepped ahead of time.

The BeanPlus cuts the cold brew time from 24 hours to only 5 hours, which is totally something you can brew at your desk to have an afternoon pick-me-up ready when called upon. The appearance of the unit is slick and modern too, with the stainless/glass/matte black finish adding a touch of class to my cluttered desk.

This is definitely not the last you will hear about the BeanPlus, we have a lot of fun in store for this neat setup.

Ultraloq Bluetooth Biometric Smart Lock- $319.99

With the claim of being the world’s first Bluetooth enabled fingerprint and touchscreen lock, this is a nifty piece of security to have. Fingerprint, pin code, remote app, or close proximity phone tapping give you access for up to 95 users, for only as long as you want.

No more spare keys floating around, now you can revoke or add new access whenever you want, and have a constant eye on who is coming and going. The physical heft of the weight and clean yet tough appearance are only half of the security of the system; the digital security of the app is what makes your smart home a safe home.

Read the full Ultraloq UL3 BT review here.

FOBO Smart Tire Sensors- $229

FOBO Tire Plus comes to us along with a handful of other smart auto products, which gives drivers quick access to tire pressure levels quickly from the app instead of needing to manually check every so often. Without properly inflated tires on your vehicle you compromise fuel economy and potentially lose responsiveness, so this is a true example of tech making a positive difference in our lives.

FOBO gives you instant access to the tire pressure levels via a Bluetooth connection with the in-car hub, which you can check from anywhere. If you have a set on multiple vehicles, you can monitor all the tires from one app (for up to 19 cars), which makes it easy for business owners or family members to have extra peace of mind. The tire pressure monitoring system has a built-in anti-theft lock so crooks that try to swipe your nifty caps will come up empty handed.


CarVi Smart Driving Assistant/Dash Cam- $299.99

More people on the road could use an extra set of eyes watching out for them, which is exactly what CarVi is designed to do. Beyond its functionality as a dash cam,  CarVi proactively monitors lane departure, front end clearance, and speed to keep drivers safe before an accident happens.

Self-driving cars are still quite a ways off, and until then we need to rely on drivers paying attention to the road to avoid accidents. Suffice it to say there is a huge market for CarVi; anyone who not only wants to be protected from others on the road but could use a little reminder themselves every once in a while would benefit from having this companion.

Read the full CarVi review here.

On the horizon

As exciting as new technology is, we would be remiss if we didn’t share a sneak peek of some of the awesome new gadgets on Indiegogo that should be making their way to Newegg customers (after we get a chance to have our fun with them of course).


Hayo Augmented Reality for the Connected Home

Echo, Home, and now Hayo are hubs for the connected home that aim to blur the lines between man and machine. These smart assistants can operate lights, plugs, TVs, and many other connected devices while acting as a voice-controlled hub for information.

Hayo looks to edge out the competition with the inclusion of an augmented reality (AR) interface, which allows you to perform digital sorcery and turn on electronics with hand gestures. That’s right, you can wave your hands around like Mickey Mouse in the Sorcerer’s Apprentice to interact with lights, the TV, music, security systems, make or receive phone calls and text messages, and even control the thermostat. All these smart integrations are available at the launch this coming fall, with more in the works.

The newest home assistant to the market creates a 3D map of the room that it is in, which allows you to set virtual “buttons” or hand gestures that correspond with your devices. It interacts with both Android and iOS platforms, and is designed to differentiate between proactive gestures and passive motion to eliminate false device triggers. We are super excited to add this to our smart home setup!


NIMBUS Monocoque Racing Drone

We love our drones around here, especially the ones that stand out from the pack. Racing drones that clock over 70mph and utilize first-person-view (FPV) cameras are an explosively popular trend.

The NIMBUS is designed to be a tank of a FPV drone that can take a beating and lay down some speed, with an IP-54 weather rating against dirt and water. While not waterproof, this thing comes closer than most by utilizing a sealed carbon fiber shell to protect all the special components inside. The carbon shell isn’t just for protection against liquid and dust though; it also can take some serious crashes and get right back up in the air. In their crash test video, the NIMBUS even is subjected to the worst drone treatment possible, and manages to weather the storm like a champ. You probably won’t ever roll over your drone in a car, but from the looks of the NIMBUS you could if you felt so inclined. Combining agility with strength and function makes this a hot product we definitely want to get our hands on.

The Lampster

If you cruise the Newegg offices, you don’t have to look hard to spot figurines adorning the desks and cubicle dividers. Funkos, action figures, and other collectibles are all out on display from everyone to flaunt their style and interests, which makes for an interesting and fun environment when combined with the RGB keyboards and gaming chairs.

The Lampster is a collectible lamp with 72 RGB LEDs and 120 total LEDs, which can be fully customized to 16 million colors. Color, temperature, intensity, and timing can all be controlled via the app, but the mechanics are only half the cool factor.

Each 18” tall Lampster is hand made from the headlight of an old tractor, and hand painted with some wild color schemes. And if you want to get really crazy they have Lampster costumes for customizing it even further.


The Barisieur- Coffee Alarm Clock

I did mention we love coffee, right? This is a serious life hack, and it has us clamoring for a test sample. Coffee pots with timers exist, but you just can’t beat the quality of a hot cup of fresh pour over to get the day going. The Barisieur delivers that top notch quality coffee just in time for your day to start, right at your bedside. While it does have a built-in alarm clock, the delicious aroma of fresh brewed coffee should be more than enough to rouse anyone from sleep, and the USB plug allows you to charge your phone as well.

Barisieur works on a timer that triggers the induction heater to boil water in a percolation system that pushes the water up over the bed of grounds. After a nice steep, the stainless steel and glass setup releases the finished brew, right into a mug. The bedside barista also has a self-cooling milk vial and a drawer for sugar, all to avoid getting out from warm covers as long as possible and enjoying that perfect cup of coffee in a cozy bed.

Check out all the latest Indiegogo products on Newegg.

Featured in this article:

Cold Brew Coffee On- Demand with BeanPlus- $99.99

Ultraloq Bluetooth Biometric Smart Lock- $319.99

FOBO Smart Tire Sensors- $229

CarVi Smart Driving Assistant/Dash Cam- $299.99

Author Gregory Rice

Greg is a collector of hobbies, steeped in a love for the outdoors. Drop him in the woods and he's more at home backpacking, hunting, fishing, camping, and drinking out of streams than he is behind a desk pounding away at a keyboard. He's an avid homebrewing enthusiast and a craft beer fanatic. He enjoys testing out the latest drone tech and is a firm believer in the power of IoT and home automation tech to bring us into a more productive future (or give way to Skynet, time will tell).

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