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Newegg at TED Active

By March 2, 2011No Comments
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Our minds and hands are busy “recreating wonder” at the Newegg Workshop at TEDActive 2011.  This year, we have teamed with TED Fellow Oliver Hess and artist Jenna Didier from Materials & Applications, a non-profit dedicated to pushing forward new and underused building technologies. From our corner of the overarching TED conference in Palm Springs, we’ve been musing about community building and the impact on science and technology on individual expression and interaction.

Getting set up for TEDActive 2011

Stay tuned for discussions about foam, bubbles, energy minimization, and novel historic figures. Each of these characters resonates a particular lesson of universal insight gained from harmonic geometry. All this brings us to the introduction of the Weaire-Phelan structure.  This pair of polyhedra are unlike you could predict.

Weaire-Phelan structure

See the structure in action as Newegg comes at you directly from TEDActive 2011!

Polyhedra in action

Author Newegg Staff

Newegg Insider writers and contributors from throughout the team.

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