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Newegg is ready for virtual reality, and you can be too

By April 5, 2016No Comments


The age of virtual reality is here, and Newegg is your VR headquarters! Whether you’ve already ordered your Oculus Rift or HTC Vive or you’re in the market for something a bit more modest like the Samsung Gear VR, Newegg is the place to get the gear you need to be ready for the next big revolution in entertainment.

VR Components


If you are building a PC just for virtual reality or updating your existing rig, the place to start is your graphics card. VR is extremely demanding on your GPU, and even if you have a gaming PC that can handle modern games without any problems, the demands of VR are something else entirely.

The recommended specs for both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive start at the NVIDIA GTX 970/AMD R9 290 level, but to future-proof your VR build we recommend making the jump to the GTX 980/R9 390 tier. These high-level graphics cards should ensure you have what you need to enjoy the latest and greatest VR experiences over the next few years.

To build a VR-capable rig, you’ll also want to make sure you have plenty of RAM (at least 8GB, and more like 16 wouldn’t hurt) and the power of a processor like the i5-6500 from Intel.

VR Desktops


If you don’t have the time or knowledge required to put together a VR PC for yourself, you’re in luck: Newegg has a huge selection of desktops that meet the system requirements for the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. These VR-ready systems range in price from around $1000 up to the $4000 beauty that is the MSI Vortex, which is perfect for those who are looking for compact VR-ready systems that make attractive additions to their living rooms.

VR Laptops

msi titan laptop vr ready


Laptops that can meet the minimum requirements for virtual reality are a still relatively rare, since they need to feature full desktop GPUs rather than mobile versions. MSI offers a selection to choose from, allowing you to live the dream of packing your PC and your headset and taking virtual reality with you anywhere you want to go.

VR Games and News

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Now that the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are both in the hands of consumers, there are new virtual reality games coming out every day. To make sure you keep on top of the latest announcements and to read reviews to find out which VR games you should be playing, make sure you keep an eye on GameCrate, Newegg’s gaming site. GameCrate has recently covered Job Simulator for the HTC ViveChronos for the Oculus Rift, and a man who spent 48 hours straight in VR.

VR Central

newegg vr central

Newegg’s VR Central page is your home for all things VR, bringing together the top components, systems, and information you need to make sense of the brave new world of virtual reality. The page will be updated regularly with the latest news and great deals of VR-ready products and accessories, so keep an eye on it to stay in the VR loop!

Author Newegg Staff

Newegg Insider writers and contributors from throughout the team.

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