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The Apple Watch

By April 23, 2015No Comments
The Apple Watch

The Apple Watch is the latest release of Apple’s and is anticipated to make waves within the wearable technology industry. It is the first new major product to be developed and released without Steve Jobs as the company’s CEO. It’s interesting to see how this watch will rank with others in its field.

There have been many brands that already released their own smart watches, each with a slightly different focus. Apple seems to be determined to bring a smart watch to market that can have the potential of becoming a core device for everyday life. They are keen on integrating their new creation into their collection of devices through its design and usability.  The watch may well be on its way to changing how we experience software and the internet.


The design of the watch is in keeping with their style of minimalism and simplicity. People will be able to find the one that suits their taste with three different collections falling under Watch, Watch Sport and Watch Edition. Aesthetically the watch goes well with their entire product line of iPhones, Macs, and devices. In a previous article we discussed the news of the Apple Watch along with its core specifications and features.

What is interesting about Apple’s new wearable technology is its interface. It will be utilizing both touch and a digital dial to navigate through its operating system. Gauging how effective it will be as a user interface is hard, especially since there haven’t been too many devices like it.


How will these smart watches be used? We’ve seen examples from Apple such as sending drawings from one user to another, but will the device’s success lie solely on these fun yet seemingly simple abilities? The following is what I foresee occurring with wearable technology.

You look to your wrist and everything is communicated to you instantaneously. Your investments are displayed, your schedule is updating as you proceed to your next meeting, your files have been backed-up, and you have an email notification. Checking out purchases at a store is as simple as walking through the exit scanner. Over time this may well become the functionality that smart watches provide to those of us who are constantly on the move and deeply connected to the internet.

Time Will Tell

The key in any smart watch or wearable technology lies in its style. Both its external design and user interface must be aesthetically pleasing. Since humans will be wearing it there needs to be a level of personality to the device. The Apple watch may just be what we have hoped for, or may not. Time will tell as users get their first chance to try it out.

Author Newegg Staff

Newegg Insider writers and contributors from throughout the team.

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