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How to Protect Your Data Privacy

By January 28, 2015No Comments


Today marks the eighth annual Data Privacy Day and countries all over the world are raising awareness about protecting your personal information – including the people who are monitoring it.

This irony was not lost on Twitter this morning where users responded to an NSA tweet that urged everyone to have a “Happy Data Privacy Day!!” But regardless how you feel about the government snooping through your files, today is a perfect opportunity to make sure your data is safe – especially if you’ve never thought about it.

Don’t want people stealing your information? Protect it.

It’s Time to Take Action

It’s never been more crucial to protect your data. Countless organizations have been affected by breaches and leaks as well as being guilty of mismanaging people’s information. It’s a serious problem plaguing our connected world that can seriously damage your life.

Take a moment to think about how much of your information is out in the open and who has access to it. The government, retailers, schools, churches, and millions of websites have at one point collected your data. Needless to say, this makes everyone vulnerable to having it compromised.

It’s impossible to escape digital technology in the 21st century. You literally have no say in this. And that’s why today is the day that you must take action.

Every Day Should Be Data Privacy Day

A lot of events are being held today for consumers and businesses aimed at teaching people how to use technology wisely. The main topic of discussion is the same for everyone: Take individual control.

One of the biggest events today will be held in San Francisco – home to some of the biggest technology companies in the world. The Data Privacy Day Town Hall is bringing together the most powerful people responsible for protecting your data and they all have a lot to say.

“In today’s connected world, data now drives both business opportunities and strategy. Loss of data – or, in the case of consumers, usage of data for reasons other than what was communicated – can seriously jeopardize a company’s reputation with both consumers and the public. Meanwhile those companies able to articulate their use and strategy around data often see the potential recognized in their market valuations.”
– Mark Seifert, Partner, Brunswick Group 

It’s Not Hard to Steal Your Data

Recent statistics show that Americans own about three connected devices. This makes it almost too easy for a data breach because your information is flowing freely through these networks. Over 1.5 million monitored cyber attacks were reported last year alone and the trend is rapidly accelerating.

Having your information compromised will affect many areas of your life. That’s why Newegg goes above and beyond to keep your data safe. And we hope you’re just as careful as we are.

Newegg’s Security Measures to Keep You Safe
  • Norton Secured: Newegg secures your information using an SSL certificate and all our websites are regularly scanned for vulnerabilities.
  • BBB Accredited Business: Newegg has received an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau since 2001 and is committed to resolving all consumer complaints.
  • Awards/Rankings: Newegg has received dozens of coveted awards and is ranked as one of the “Top 10 Most Trustworthy Retailers” by the Online Trust Alliance.

It’s Not Hard to Protect Your Data

If we take all these extra measures to keep you safe, it only makes sense for you to do the same. It only takes a few extra steps to protect your data and today is the best time to do it. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

3 Steps to Protect Your Privacy
  1. Know the Risks

Understand that hackers, attackers, and intruders are actively trying to steal your data. The best way for them to do this is through malicious code like viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and spyware. Make sure the software you’re using on your devices is safe.

  1. Minimize Access

Your data doesn’t have to be online to get stolen; anyone can physically break into your devices. This includes friends, family, roommates, co-workers, and anyone else you encounter on a daily basis. Lock or log off your devices when not in use and disconnect from the Internet whenever possible.

  1. Two Factor Authentication

If someone figures out your password they’ll have no trouble stealing your data – unless you enable two-factor authentication across all your devices. Setting this up is easy but every device goes about it differently. Take the time to set this up and you’ll have one less thing to worry about if your device goes missing.

You can only hope everyone that has access to your information is as precautious as Newegg, but unfortunately that is not the case. It’s up to you to protect yourself because you can’t rely on others to do it for you. And if you do decide to take action today, it will be a happy Data Privacy Day for everyone.

Just like the NSA wants you to have.

How do you protect your data? Let us know in the comments below!

Author Ivan Barajas

More posts by Ivan Barajas