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Buying Guide: Classic Costumes That Never Go Out of Style

By October 31, 2014No Comments
Halloween is one of the busiest holidays in America and few costumes stand the test of time.

Halloween is one of the busiest holidays in America. (Check out the full infographic below!)

Halloween is a big deal in the United States.

Americans spend over $7 billion every year on Halloween products and almost $3 billion of that money goes toward costumes alone. And with 78% of people in the United States planning on dressing up today, you’re probably one of them.

Hopefully you bought your costume from Newegg in time to join the 160 million people that are expected to celebrate the spookiest holiday of the year. If not, it’s not too late to get into the action – at least for next year. If you procrastinated or simply couldn’t figure out what you wanted to be, it’s time to start planning for 2015.

While it’s always hip to dress up as something that’s current, your best bet is to stick with something that’s always popular. So in case you need a bit of inspiration, here are some of the best costume ideas that are guaranteed to be popular 12 months from now and beyond.

1. Witch


This is the most popular costume every year because it’s a tried-and-true classic. You can never go wrong by dressing up as a witch because they are synonymous with Halloween. And with so many different witches to choose from, you’re sure to find a costume that’s perfect for you.

2. Vampire


Similar to witches, vampires go hand-in-hand with Halloween. And just like their broom-wielding counterparts, there are many different types of vampires to pick and choose from. So whether you want to go the Twilight route or stick with something a little more classic, there’s definitely a vampire costume for you.

3. Zombie


Thanks to TV shows like The Walking Dead and movies like World War Z, zombies are currently enjoying resurgence. And while there’s no guarantee they will be as popular this time next year, they will still be among the scariest costumes out there.

4. Pirate


Pirates made a huge comeback a few years ago when Johnny Depp made them cool. And while their popularity seems to be on the decline, it’s still a fun way to dress up because there’s an entire personality that goes along with the outfit – namely the voice. Aaaaargh!

 5. Superhero


Superheroes never go out of style and neither does dressing up like one. But if you really want to impress the trick-or-treaters, you should pick a villain. Their costumes are just as cool as the heroes’, and it’s always more fun to play the bad guy!

What’s your favorite Halloween costume? What are you dressing up as this year? Let us know in the comments below!

Infographic: Halloween in the United States by the Numbers | Statista
You will find more statistics at Statista

Author Ivan Barajas

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