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A Fight to the FINish: Two Fish Play Street Fighter

By August 21, 2014No Comments

In what might just be the most-anticipated gaming showdown in the history of showdowns, Robert the Bruce fights AG.Aquarius in Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting. This isn’t your just your average tournament match, however. This is a match between goldfish.

In a similar vein to Twitch Plays Pokemon and Fish Plays Pokemon, now we have Fish Plays Street Fighter. Using a virtually segmented fish tank, which you can check out at the Fish Plays Street Fighter Twitch page, Andrew Hill from Canada has set up a gamepad of sorts that allows the fish to control their respective Street Fighter characters based on where they swim. It’s chaotic, intense, and brilliant.

Now in their second season of tournaments, reigning champion Aquarius looks to be unstoppable. While writing this article, Aquarius won yet again in a vicious Guile vs. Guile match. Currently up 61-38, it’s likely that the champion of this tournament has already been decided.

With as much as 50,000 simultaneous viewers, this novelty stream account once again shows just how creative—and viral—Twitch can be.

Watch live video from FishPlayStreetFighter on

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Author Anthony Chen

Newegg Insider contributor.

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