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What Can We Predict from CES 2015?

By January 5, 2015No Comments


No other event in the technology industry gets as much attention as the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). That’s why hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world make the annual trip to Las Vegas to witness the newest technology firsthand. And if last year’s event is any indication of what we can expect for 2015, it’s going to be better than ever.

Over 20,000 consumer electronic products were announced at last year’s CES and many of them are now part of the everyday digital lexicon. And while last year’s gadgets aren’t going away anytime soon, there are much bigger things in store for the upcoming year – and they all want to change the way we live.

Love it or hate it, consumer electronics will be dominating our future unlike ever before.

Here’s what I predict CES 2015 says about our future:

Autonomous Vehicles

CES is looking more like an auto show every year and 2015 is no exception. Every major car manufacturer will be in attendance and we can expect more integrated technology between our mobile devices and our vehicles. And with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay right around the corner, it’s only a matter of time before autonomous vehicles are in control of our commute.


Appliances will also be taking center stage at CES this year and will soon be turning every home into a smarthome. Washing machines, HVAC systems, and security cameras are not only becoming easier to manage, they’re also more efficient. And because these machines can manage the power they consume, you’ll notice the difference on your energy bill.


Smartwatches have been around for a while now but are finally poised to go mainstream thanks to Apple. With the Apple Watch set to be released later this year, accessory manufacturers are showing off their ideas at this year’s CES. Other wearables are also expected to be announced that work in conjunction with the Apple Watch and will soon be as common as carrying an iPhone in your pocket.

Virtual Reality

Oculus isn’t the only company that wants you to venture into a virtual world. Big corporations like Samsung and Sony are investing heavily in the technology and will be showcasing their VR headsets at CES 2015. And with Oculus’ consumer headset being released within a matter of months, virtual reality will soon become a reality for many people.


CES wouldn’t be complete without the world’s most controversial gadget. This year, drone manufacturers are showing off better cameras, better GPS, and better controls. Drones will also be integrating more easily with our smartphones and will allow the average consumer to become an aerial filmmaker. It also seems like the price point for a quality drone is also dropping, making the technology more accessible to the masses.

More Electronics, More Predictions

These predictions are just scratching the surface. Other technology trends that will be making an impact are TVs with better resolution, smartphones that look more like tablets, and the most powerful 3D printers you can imagine. Newegg will be there covering all the action and keeping you up-to-date. Stay tuned as we bring you the best from CES 2015!

What do you think? What gadgets from CES 2015 do you think will have an impact on our future? Let us know in the comments below!

Author Ivan Barajas

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