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What Does Tesla's Powerwall Battery Mean For You?

By June 1, 2015No Comments

We’ve now found out about Elon musk’s newest creation. Many anticipated it being batteries and they were right. What does this exactly mean for our homes?

Fill The Gap Between.

The real advantage of the Tesla battery pack is powering your home during peak hours. With the new battery pack you can help load balance the grid. Running off batteries during the peak hours means your costs will be lower in general.

Why Not Just A Bunch Of Car Batteries?

While some users have already added a cluster of DC batteries to be charged by their solar panels, the Tesla solution looks sexier, the batteries inside should last longer since they are probably based on lithium ion technology. (Tesla has been secretive on the technology inside so far.)

Will It Work For You?

My home’s average energy use is roughly 10KW per day. So as it stands it would be a good battery backup system. Keep in mind this is just the battery part. Inverters and converters will be needed for home use of this battery. With a wind or solar array I could charge my batteries during the day and play games into the night.

The Future Home May Be Battery Powered

While this might be one of the first major companies to sell a battery system for you home, it’s a good sign that other vendors may follow in their footsteps. This can lead to people being completely off the grid altogether. Once power is localized it decreases the demand from power plants.

If You Were Given A Tesla Battery, What Would You Use It For?

Let us know below.


Author Dennis Kralik

A Newegg Insider contributor

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