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What is Home Automation?

By March 12, 2015August 21st, 2019No Comments

The future is here – at least inside our homes.

Thanks to the Internet, more people than ever before are using new technologies to help them accomplish everyday tasks. There’s never been a better time to convert your home into a smarthome but it can be intimidating to those who are confused about home automation. But if you were to stop and look around for a moment, you’d see we’re already surrounded by many “futuristic” gadgets inside our home – we just don’t realize it.

Here’s some proof in case you need convincing.

Home Automation is Not the Future

Before I tell you what home automation is, it’s important for you to understand what it is not. There is a lot of confusion regarding this technology but once you know the basics you’ll realize it isn’t so complicated at all. In fact, home automation is very simple.

When many of us think of home automation we imagine a futuristic home similar to The Jetsons. But as nice as it would be to have robots and machines doing everything for us, we are still a long way from that reality. However, it is possible to have machines and robots to do some of those things.

A better way to imagine home automation is to think of all the things being done for us already. And once you do, you’ll be amazed at how much home automation is already in our lives. You’ll also have a clear understanding of what else can be automated.

Home Automation is Already a Part of Your Life

One quick glance around your home should be enough to help you understand what home automation is. Don’t believe me? Just take a look at some common household appliances that have replaced a lot of the things we used to for ourselves:

  • Microwaves to heat our food
  • Remote controls to control our television
  • Lightbulbs to see in the dark

These examples are all types of home automation that have become so engrained into our lives that we don’t consider them “confusing.” We just think it’s normal. And that’s exactly how we’ll think of today’s new technology when it’s not so new in the future.

Anyone Can Build a Smarthome

Just like people were amazed when they didn’t have to build fires for food, stand up to change the TV channel, or light a candle so they can see; there are a lot of new home automation devices that will simplify our lives. All you have to do is install them and you’ll be on your way to creating your very own smarthome.

Modern Home Automation Ideas

Modern home automation is not only achievable; but also easy to install. And because all three of these ideas are either controlled or monitored by your smartphone, anyone who knows how to text or make a phone call can build a smarthome. And once you do there’s no going back to living in a “regular” home.

Home Automation is Only Going to Get Better

Home Automation in the year 2015 may not feel like something out of The Jetsons (yet), but we are definitely heading in that direction. A quick glance at the rapidly-growing home automation category proves that. It’s up to you to decide if you want to continue living in the past like The Flintstones or step into the future.

What home automation products are you currently using but didn’t realize?

Author Ivan Barajas

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