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Buying Guide: Non-Tech Products for the Women in Your Life

By November 24, 2014No Comments



Christmas shopping for women who love technology is easy. A new gadget like a smartphone, tablet, or gaming console is enough to satisfy most desires. And in a worst-case scenario you can always buy them a Newegg Gift Card and let them pick out their own electronics. But what do you do if the woman you’re shopping for doesn’t care about technology as much as you do?

The answer is simple: You buy them jewelry.

According to a recent survey “almost half of all women return their Christmas gifts from men” because the presents are simply wrong. Whether the clothing is the wrong color or the shoes are the wrong size; trying to guess what to buy for a woman is never a good idea. For this reason and others, jewelry is your safest bet that they’ll like what you’re giving them.

If you have a non-tech-obsessed woman in your life, here are five jewelry items you can never go wrong with:


Diamonds are forever so why not give her that one piece of jewelry that will last a lifetime? Fine diamond jewelry is not only a thoughtful gift; it will also amplify any look for any occasion. And the best part about it is that it can be worn with any of her favorites — old and new. Diamonds are first on this list because they are classic, classy, and timeless.


Women love to wear their birthstone and birthstone jewelry is an easy way to give a personalized gift. Think about what type of jewelry she wears the most. Does she always have several rings on? Has she ever left the house without a pair of earrings on? Find her favorite type of jewelry with her birthstone and you’ll have a gift she’s sure to wear often.


When it comes to defining classic jewelry, no list is complete without pearls. And no woman’s jewelry collection is complete without an elegant pearl necklace combined with a set of matching pearl earrings and bracelet. Pearls are unique because the way they are formed makes it a standout among other gemstones. If you want to give something that will stand out, pearls are definitely the way to go.


It comes and goes, but gold is back in style and available in more designs than ever. If you’re shopping for a woman who loves to always be in style, this is the year you shop for gold jewelry.  A classic gold chain necklace is a perfect gift for the fashionista in your life, and gold stud earrings will always be chic. And with so many different options currently available, you’re sure to find something she’ll like.

Something Sentimental

Strengthen your bond. Pendants that demonstrate love, family, and faith are not only heartfelt ways to send a message, but they’re also a trend this year. For a woman with classic style, choose understated pieces. For a woman who likes a fashion-forward look, choose pieces with larger pendants. Whatever you decide, just make sure it’s special to the both of you.

Bonus Tip!

If you’re still worried she won’t like her Christmas present, throw in an extra pair of earrings to make it more special. For bonus points, throw in a gadget or two. You never know, the non-tech-obsessed woman in your life may find out she actually likes it. If she does, shopping for her next year will be easier than ever. And if all else fails, just help out around the house because that never goes out of style!

Visit Newegg’s Marketplace to find all the best jewelry at competitive prices.

Author Newegg Staff

Newegg Insider writers and contributors from throughout the team.

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