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Google Launches YouTube App for Kids

By February 23, 2015August 21st, 2019No Comments
This is what YouTube now looks like through the eyes of a kid.

This is what YouTube looks like through the eyes of a kid.

I’m not a parent but I am a pretty cool uncle. Yes, I’m that uncle who lets their siblings’ kids do just about anything they want. Whether it’s letting them eat half a tub of ice cream before breakfast or letting them stay up way past their bedtime; I have no problems letting my nieces and nephews do just about anything they want.

Unless that thing happens to be watching YouTube.

The Internet is No Place for Children

It’s no secret the Internet is a treasure trove of debauchery for those who go seeking for it. Unfortunately, it’s also possible to encounter this type of material when you’re not actively searching for it. And this is the biggest reason why I refuse to let kids watch YouTube (or any other app that connects to the Internet) when I’m not around.

There have been plenty of times when I searched for something online and ended up somewhere I didn’t want to be. The last thing I want is for the same thing to happen to a kid because it could potentially harm them for the rest of their life. And at the risk of sounding like a not-so-cool uncle, I’d rather eliminate the Internet altogether for children instead of creating a rated-G version of it.

Because even adults are treated to unwarranted search results and inappropriate Web content, the only way to keep kids completely safe online is to deprive them of it. But as we all know, that’s near impossible in the year 2015. Thankfully, Google has an idea: create kid-friendly apps.

The YouTube Kids App is the First of Many

Google’s launch of the YouTube Kids app today is a milestone for Web safety and will likely change the way we raise future generations of children. It’s also the first step in providing information to children via the Internet without having to constantly monitor what they’re doing. And if everything goes according to plan, this is only the beginning of Google’s mission to provide children with access to the knowledge they’ll need in the future.

“We want kids to be safe, but ultimately it’s about helping them be more than just pure consumers of tech, but creators, too.”

– Pavni Diwanji, Vice President of Engineering at Google

Creating versions of popular technologies for children makes sense because kids are already using them. This technology is only going to become more embedded into our lives and knowing how to use it will be imperative to the success of everyone. YouTube may not seem important to some of you, but with 40,000 Google search queries processed each second it’s crucial we develop safe Internet access methods for everyone – especially kids.

Parents have full control of the YouTube Kids app.

Parents have full control of the YouTube Kids app.

YouTube Kids App Features

  • Bright and Playful Design

The YouTube Kids app is completely designed with children in mind. Its larger images and bold icons make it easier to navigate with tiny thumbs and its built-in voice search will help children who can’t yet spell or type.

  • Family-Focused Content

All videos on the YouTube Kids app fall into four channel and playlist categories: Shows, Music, Learning and Explore. Parents and kids can also search for anything they’re interested in without worrying about finding inappropriate content.

  • Parental Controls

No two families are the same and the YouTube Kids app allows parents to have complete control of how their children access it. Timer, sound and search functions can all be custom-tailored for each child and there’s even a space for parents to provide product feedback.

The Internet of the Future Will be Focused on Learning

You can already learn about any topic you want via the Internet by conducting a simple Google search. But with more schools and businesses providing online classroom alternatives, it’s clear the Internet will be an indispensable learning tool in the future. Some people will argue that’s already the case.

DreamWorks, Jim Henson TV and Reading Rainbow are just a handful of the many brands committed to creating Web content for children. It’s entirely in the realm of possibility schools will follow the same model and use the Internet to teach kids with methods not possible inside the classroom. And the best part is it will be a lot cheaper (and even safer) than traditional education.

Knowledge doesn’t only have to be accessible to those who can afford it. This is especially true today when all you need is an Internet connection to learn. Google’s desire to make the Web safer and easier for children to learn proves the future looks bright for the Web being used as a learning tool while keeping the adult content for those who want to see it.

Will You be Downloading the YouTube Kids App?

The YouTube Kids app demonstrates online learning is not only possible, but also easy to access: anyone can do it – even a kid. The only question is if we’ll let Google into our children’s lives just as much as they’re in the lives of grown-ups.

I think I will. And if it doesn’t make me a cooler uncle, it may earn the respect of my siblings.

Author Ivan Barajas

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