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Meet Our Hosts

Ricky Perez

Ricky Perez

Ricky is one of the hosts for Newegg Live! Known online as the YouTube Tech Guy, he's been reviewing electronics for more than 10 years. Most well-known for his Hidden Features and Tips & Tricks series, he dives deep into the best parts of tech and breaks it down for anyone to understand. Get the most out of your tech whenever he's live!

Devyn Howard

Devyn Howard

You might recognize Devyn Howard from Newegg Studio’s daily show, Unbox This! She loves learning about the latest in tech, gaming, and lifestyle. When she’s not unboxing the hottest new gaming console or computer parts, she loves to cook, try new restaurants, and travel.

Ben Tibbels

Ben Tibbels

Ben is one of the hosts of Newegg Live. This nerd of all trades is a console and tabletop gamer who knows just enough about everything to be dangerous. Whether it’s computers, combustion engines, or camping equipment, he’s more than happy to share interesting information about great gear.