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In the last installment of this holiday prep series, we covered some top-level marketing strategies that all e-commerce sellers should be implementing. In this blog, we are going even deeper to help bolster your holiday game plan by covering 6 of the most effective holiday marketing and pricing promotions on

Site Promotions Overview

Newegg Marketplace is consistently running tailored promotions through our diverse product categories – but this gets especially ramped up during the holiday season. There is no limit to the variety and creativity of promos during Q4 and we often support these on-site promotions with off-site reach such as email support and affiliate marketing.
Before we go into the details of our promotions, we wanted to give our sellers a super top-level snapshot of the types of campaigns Newegg will be running during this holiday season with the following themed months:

Black November

November features the best deals across ALL categories. The front page of will be highlighting the most screaming deals from all across our Marketplace.

Techmas and More

December highlights some of the best deals within gift-giving categories such as watches, jewelry, and toys. And of course, because we are Newegg — TECH.

Don’t feel discouraged if your category feels underrepresented. We assure you that there are PLENTY of opportunities to promote on a deeper category level,  just where your customers are looking for you. Because of this, we really encourage turning to your account managers who have knowledge of upcoming campaigns and will know the best placements for your brand and products.

Minimum Order Promotions

As our first suggested marketing strategy, we suggest sellers participate in Minimum Order Promotions (MOPS). MOPs are a great way to ensure that your AOV is preserved — all while offering your customers enticing deals and incentivizing them to increase their cart size. An example of this would be a 30% discount on orders over $50. This is a useful promotional strategy to consider if your profit margins are slim, or your products have a low price point.

Free Shipping MOPs

If you want to participate in a MOP campaign, but can’t sacrifice on price, consider offering free shipping in your promo. From a personal experience, there is just something lousy about having to pay for shipping in 2018 and these thresholds almost always spark additional cart adds.

Banner Minimum Order Promotions Homepage Promotions

Averaging a tad bit more than 16 million monthly unique visitors, advertising on’s homepage is one of the best ways to get your products and brand in front of an engaged audience during this busy season.
Here is a quick call out some of our most popular homepage placements for Marketplace sellers:


Located at the top of our homepage is our scrolling leaderboard banner. If you are looking to introduce your brand or products to a wide audience, there is no better opportunity on It commands significant attention and boasts our strongest click-through rates. The leaderboard often features the latest trends, hottest promotions, and seasonal campaigns.


When merchants have a killer deal to promote, this is where we’ll put you. Supported by a daily early access email blasts, this is a great way to promote your absolute best deal. Items featured on ShellShocker see an almost tenfold increase in average daily sales due to the exciting price point structures. Everyone loves a huge deal, and this is certainly the best place on Newegg to host yours.


This acts as our Marketplace seller-centric promo vehicle that excels in strengthening brand recognition for Marketplace sellers. Products regularly featured on Spotlight see their average sales increase up to 2.5 times more compared to products that don’t get that exposure.

All of these placements are available to our sellers, but you can’t get placement without first working with your account manager. They’ll make sure to align you with the promo vehicle that’s right for your brand and products.

Promotions Leader board Shell Shocker Spotlight Homepage Listicles / Gift Guides

Who doesn’t love a good holiday guide? (Technically, you’re reading one right now) One of the most popular holiday content pieces at Newegg is the annual Marketplace Gift Guide. Think of these lists and guides as a customer’s window into “who’s who” for the holiday season. The products that sellers typically feature on these lists are their flagship products. This is because customers should be seeing your best, shiniest, most AOV rich items to entice them to your seller store and product page.
Your top goal should be to work with your account manager, get listed, and recognized as your category’s “featured product”. Consider this as a way to stake your claim as a top product within your category.

Holiday Promo Emails

Here at Newegg, we communicate with our 15.5 million subscriber base through the use of category-specific and seasonally themed emails. Participation of these blasts is often free, but you should be planning ahead with your account manager to properly advertise your deals.
We touched on this in our last blog installment, but a great feature for many Newegg Elite Sellers is the Post Purchase email service. This marketing tool allows sellers to create and send personalized messaging to your recent customers as a way to support your holiday campaigns. Providing your customers with meaningful content helps to strengthen brand loyalty — but you have to make sure that this content is valuable, you don’t want your content to be perceived as spam.


This is the strategy where your customers are enticed to your product page with a deal, but see your additional items, such as bundled accessories, and decide that they can’t live without those items either. Think of ways to attract your customers to purchase your complimentary items alongside the sale. For sellers on Newegg, we feature a “Kit Maker” feature where you can work with your account managers to ensure that your complementary SKUs are listed beneath your primary listing. By doing this, you are ensuring that customers continue to shop your SKUs and are seeing the best complimentary products for their original search.

Promotions Cross Selling Marketplace Seller StoreWhat’s Next??

This quick overview focused on some of the best promotional strategies for Q4 sellers on You might have noticed just how often we mentioned working with your account managers to gain marketing insights and advantages this quarter. Even though this blog did a stellar job at addressing key promo vehicles, we still think you should still reach out to our team and learn about the best opportunities to boost your products and brand this holiday season. In the meantime, be on the lookout for our next holiday blog installment where we cover the most effective listing optimizations to ensure that you are making the most out of your impressions.