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Driving Engaged Traffic with Google Shopping Ads

Using Google search advertising to drive revenue for e-commerce.

The high-stakes world of e-commerce is often about battling it out with the competition to gain maximum exposure, in hopes of capturing customer conversion. One of the biggest platforms in the world for customer exposure by far is Google, and there is a trick to capitalizing on this massive search vehicle for customer attention. With 22% of customers starting their purchase journey on Google and 26% saying Google is their preferred shopping method, this is a channel that cannot be overlooked.

In this eBook, you will learn:

  • What Google Shopping Ads are, and why they matter
  • The trends shaping internet search
  • How to capitalize on Google Shopping Ads with Newegg
  • The benefit that a strategic approach to tackling search engine marketing can bring

…and more!

Download your copy today!

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