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Newegg Marketplace provides great flexibility when it comes to paying our global sellers. Payment options can be conveniently specified during seller registration or via Newegg Seller Portal.


Bank-to-Bank Wire Transfer

A bank-to-bank wire transfer can be made from Newegg to your bank account for revenue payments.

How it works

  • Enter your international bank account during seller registration or via Newegg Seller Portal.
  • Newegg will verify seller identity by matching your Newegg seller account profile against your company information in W-8. (Why do we do this?)
  • Your sales revenue will be paid into your bank account by Newegg
  • For Paypal users: When choosing wire transfer as your primary payment method, you may elect to enable Paypal as supplement payment option to receive up to USD $10,000 of Newegg settlement to your account for each pay period. Any remaining balance over USD $10,000 on the settlement for the pay period will be paid via bank wire transfer to your bank account.

Payoneer is a cross-border payment platform that provides online money transfer and currency conversion services for online sellers. It’s easy to sign up and receive your Newegg payments into your Payoneer account, where they can be easily withdrawn directly to your home bank account in your local currency*.

Who is Payoneer? English Version | Chinese Version 中文版

* Additional service fees for funds transfer and currency conversion may be applied by Payoneer. Contact Payoneer for more details

How it works

  • Sign up with Payoneer during seller registration or via the easy to use Newegg Seller Portal in minutes.
  • After your application has been approved, Newegg will verify seller identity by matching your Newegg seller account profile against Payoneer account holder information. (Why do we do this?)
  • Your sales revenue will be paid into your Payoneer account by Newegg.
  • Once Newegg sends you your sales revenue, it will land in your Payoneer account immediately and you will be able to withdraw the funds to your local bank account.

World First is a leading foreign exchange company specializing in solutions for online marketplace sellers. They can provide you with access to a U.S. bank account, through which you can receive revenue payments from Newegg. You can then arrange for your funds to be transferred to your home bank account at a time of your choosing and in your local currency. World First offers competitive exchange rates to help ensure you keep more of your money when it’s sent home**.

Who is World First? English Version | Chinese Version 中文版

** Opening an account with World First and requesting US bank account details is free. For information about charges for transferring funds to your domestic account, please click here.

How it works

  • Sign up with World First during seller registration or via the Newegg Seller Portal in minutes.
  • After your application has been approved by World First, they will contact you to set up your US bank account details.
  • Add the bank account details to your Newegg seller account via the seller portal.
  • Newegg will verify seller identity by matching your Newegg seller account profile against World First account holder information. (Why do we do this?)
  • Your sales revenue will be paid into this account by Newegg.
  • Transfer your funds back to your home bank account via World First.