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Seller Incentive Program

Attention North American Sellers:
Score FREE Sponsored Ad Credits with Newegg’s Latest Offer!

Offer available from June 1, 2024 to August 31, 2024.

Why Sponsored Ads?

Get Discovered

Ads campaigns appear in highly visible placements, including search results pages and product listing pages.

Boost Sales

Reach customers who are looking to buy products like yours, faster.

Optimize Costs

Monitor your ad spend and performance to identify what works, refine your campaigns, and control your advertising budget effectively.

What do Sponsored Ads include?*

Sponsored Products

Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Videos

Sponsored Display

*Does not include Off-Site Marketing/Search Engine Marketing (S.E.M.)

Ready to get started?

No sign up required! Create an active Sponsored Ads campaign anytime between June 1, 2024 through August 31, 2024 to automatically begin accumulating credits to use on any future Sponsored Ad campaigns.

Reach one of the tiers. See table below for more details.

Once a tier has been reached, credits will be reflected in your Sponsored Ads account balance the following month. Your earned credits never expire!

Tier Amount Spent 1 Credits Earned 2
1 $500 $200
2 $750 $300
3 $1,500+ $750

Are you a New Seller?

Once your spend reaches $200 or more, you'll earn an additional $100 credits!

1 Amount spent will restart at $0 on the 1st of each month.
2 Credits will be reflected in your Sponsored Ads account balance the following month after they are earned. Your earned credits never expire!


When and how will I receive the credits from Newegg?

If you have reached one of the tiers by the end of each month, your credits will be automatically deposited the following month. For example, if you spent $500 on Sponsored Product Ads in June, you would receive $200 in credits in July.

Will I still be able to receive the free Sponsored Ads credit from the Elite Sellers Program if I signed up to be a seller in June?

No. Instead, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of our Seller Incentive Program where the more you spend, the more you get on us, for free!

If I spend on SEM/off-site marketing for Google Shopping Ads, will I be entitled to any credits from the Seller Incentive Program?

No, unfortunately credits will not be given to sellers who spend on SEM. To be able to receive the credits, you must spend on any of the following: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Videos and Sponsored Display.

When will the Seller Incentive Program end?

The Seller Incentive Program will begin June 1, 2024 and end August 31, 2024. Stay tuned to see what we may offer next!