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Mark Barlis

[Blog] Demystifying Global Selling During the Holidays

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With back-to-school shopping coming to a close, retailers redirect their efforts toward one of retail’s biggest shopping seasons — the Q4 holidays. In years past, much of the focus for online US-based retailers has been around the Cyber Five weekend (Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday) and the Christmas holiday. These key dates will continue being a staple that you cannot and should not avoid, but other global holidays are paying massive dividends for those venturing into the international scene.


Time Frame Global Holiday 2018 Online Revenue (Est.)
October or November India – Diwali $4.3 billion
November 11 China – Singles Day $30.8 billion
November Mexico – El Buen Fin $750 million
November US – Black Friday $6.22 billion
November US – Cyber Monday $7.9 billion


Before taking a deep dive into these “new” retail opportunities, it is critical that you do not assume a one-size-fits-all strategy when going global. Doing so can result in unmet expectations and discourage further exploration of global retail. Create a scalable strategy, start as early as possible and test as much as possible. We have laid out some guidelines as you begin planning.


Be Strategic by Starting Small

Let’s face it: Expanding to every country and expecting significant ROI for Q4 is a tall order. Assessing product interests is a great way to narrow down which countries make expansion sensible. Leverage free tools such as Google Trends when researching. If you are already selling in the US, targeting lookalike markets is another viable option. For example, if you are selling tech products, countries such as Australia, the UK and Saudi Arabia are great markets whose consumers exhibit similar tastes and shopping behaviors to that of the US consumer. Next, identify gaps between your business and the consumer demand for that target market. Who are your competitors? What should be your price point?


Clearly Communicate Your Shipping Offers — and Meet Them

Timely delivery, a seamless returns process and exceptional customer service drive branding and garner repeat buyers. But how that looks within each country is different. European consumers, for example, have embraced the click-and-collect method. They simply purchase online and collect their purchase in the store or at a participating location. Retailers penetrating this market understand that the click-and-collect method is a valuable aspect to the retail shopping experience because of its speed and convenience. Additionally, this is especially appealing to budget-conscious shoppers who want to avoid shipping charges. Contrast this to the US, where the majority still prefers direct home delivery.

Either way, clearly communicate shipping methods, times and costs from the start. Fast shipping does not always equal free. Free shipping does not always equal fast.

It is important to offer your customers a wide variety of shipping options. There is no need to offer fast shipping if it is not something your customers are demanding. However, in this case, offering free shipping is advisable. As a particular global holiday approaches, you want to consider offering faster shipping options for last-minute shoppers. If it makes financial sense, then consider offering free expedited shipping. Including free shipping can be presented in many forms. For example, you can offer free shipping on a single item or offer it once a customer hits a spending threshold.

By providing a variety of shipping options, you empower your customers to make the best choices for themselves.


“Glocalize” Your Approach — On Everything

Tailoring your business to meet the needs of your international consumers is a significant part of creating a successful globalization strategy. A marketing campaign might be well received in one part of the world, but can send a completely different message in another part. Localizing for regions is much more than just translating content for websites and apps — it means focusing on local phrasing, terminology and features according to the cultural norms. Keep this in mind when creating intuitive and personalized listings, storefronts and landing pages. The goal is to facilitate seamless shopping experiences, because they are not only the table stakes for international commerce but also will help improve your chances of converting sales. This is just one part of laying a proper foundation. The next layer involves piecing together the right mix of promotional strategies.

While you research lookalike markets, you may wonder if retailers in other countries promote products the same way as in the US? The answer is both yes and no. Yes in the sense that the marketing practices used are similar, but no in the sense that selecting the best combination for a region can be challenging. Some markets utilize online promotions leveraging mobile and social media for outreach. Other regions prefer printed materials or physical events where both retailer and customer can connect. When putting together a strategy, it’s best to research, test and optimize as you go.

Consider this: Advertising discounted pricing on tech products is crucial to increasing conversions in Australia and the UK. Contrast this to the purchasing habits of the Saudis who buy tech products regardless of price, provided there is a wide variety of consumer electronics and computer components being promoted.


Seek Established Partners That Bridge Gaps and Help You Avoid Common Pitfalls

By now, you may be thinking that selling internationally is filled with complexities that far outweigh the benefits, even during key holiday seasons. Despite the hurdles, cross-border e-commerce is booming. It is estimated that 35% of consumers currently shop on sites based outside their home country. In 2020, international transactions are projected to reach nearly $1 trillion, up 20% from 2019.


How Are Sellers Removing Complexity and Making the Most of These Opportunities?

Online marketplaces and their networks of specialized partners have made international e-commerce less convoluted. They are a popular solution because they have historically reduced the complexities. Sellers can tap into different services ranging from marketing to operations to logistics that comes with the partnership. The most compelling benefit is the immediate access to an established customer base. It means less investment dollars being spent on customer acquisition, nurturing, converting, and retaining. This is easily one of the biggest hurdles and it’s quickly removed with the marketplace model.

[Webinar] Grow Sales by Selling on NeweggBusiness

By Uncategorized

Everyone knows that selling on marketplaces is a great way to tap into a wide customer base and diversify your revenue stream. What you may not know is that having a specific strategy for our business marketplace holds a key part of driving incremental sales for many of our sellers. In 2015, B2B e-commerce sales soared well over $780 billion on consumer electronics, computer hardware, and office equipment with a projected growth of 19% for years to come. This is an opportunity you do not want to miss out on!

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[Webinar] Newegg Global – Expand to the markets that make sense for you

By Uncategorized

According to eMarketer, worldwide retail e-commerce sales will top $4 trillion by 2020 and double digit growth will continue through the year. This is an astounding projection, but comes as no surprise.

Sellers are scaling their businesses through marketplaces. Many of them who are eager to tap into sales channels overseas face many challenges from local marketing to payment solutions to fulfillment.

Newegg and ChannelAdvisor will be co-hosting a webinar showing sellers how they can expand their business overseas through Newegg Global. This is an opportunity you do not want to miss out on.

In this webinar you will learn:
– About the benefits of taking your sales cross-border
– How to select markets that make the most sense for your business
– What marketing tools and logistics services are available
– How to get started

2019 SEO Trends and Best Practices

By Webinars

Now that we all have a little more breathing room after the holidays, it’s the perfect time to assess your online listings and make improvements. Content is king, and Google is rewarding sellers who create enhanced and informative content for their customers. Since we all want higher rankings, it’s essential to learn how best to improve our listings and appease Google’s algorithm.

Join Newegg Marketplace and guest SEO expert as we co-host a webinar discussion detailing the latest SEO trends and best practices that every online seller needs to know.

Are you ready for SEO success?

Unwrapping E-commerce Success in Time for the Holidays

By Webinars

It’s that time of the year again- Q4 is approaching, do you have a plan? Q4 is uniquely different from all other quarters, meaning there are key elements you need to maximize your effectiveness on Newegg Marketplace and capitalize on the biggest shopping season of the year. We all know that once the holiday season begins it’s already too late to start planning for success, you need to take action now!

Don’t worry..we’re here to give you guidance.

Hear from us as we lay out proven tactics for winning the holiday season on Newegg.

You’ll learn:
• Strategic insights on how to present your products
• Priming your products for conversion
• Marketing opportunities that make sense for your products
• Pricing strategies to keep you in the black
• Data and analytical tools that power profitable business through the season
• Fulfillment – How to live up to your customer’s high expectations
• And more


Tips for Streamlining Inventory Management

By Blog

This is a guest blog post written by inventory management provider eComdash

One of the toughest parts of running an ecommerce business is inventory management. It’s also one of the most important elements. When inventory is not managed effectively, business owners can’t forecast sales accurately, potentially leading to shipment delays and dissatisfied customers.

Forecasting is not the only area affected by inventory mismanagement, cash flow is impacted as well. Carrying too much stock ties up money needed elsewhere, and not having enough inventory leads to overselling. Both scenarios affect your bottom line.

Implementing a robust and effective inventory management process helps accurately track stock levels, forecast future sales, and optimize purchase order processes. It reduces the likelihood of overstocking, under-stocking, and overselling – factors that influence how your business thrives.

To help get your inventory management operation on track, we’ve put a few tips together to streamline the process. Read More

Recap: Newegg Seller Day – London, UK

By Events

Newegg Seller Day 2017 Recap

Cross-border e-commerce presents a large opportunity for sellers, but the task brings a set of complexities and unknowns that can easily hinder a them. Newegg hosted its 2nd annual seller day that not only brought greater awareness to the opportunities of cross-border trade, but addressed pivotal pain points one encounters. Sellers in attendance eagerly listened to various presentations and panel discussions aimed at sharing experiences and best practices that made scaling one’s business more seamless. One of the key takeaways sellers came away with was how businesses can practically target the right markets, implement the solutions they need, and how to evaluate success. As Newegg Seller Day concluded, further discussions about cross-border carried on into the evening’s networking event.

If you are an international seller interested in selling to North America, visit this page for more information.

If you are a seller interested in reaching countries outside North America, visit this page for more information.

Cross Border

How marketplaces are the future of cross-border e-commerce

By Blog

Cross-border sales are growing rapidly, which country is right for your business?

Here’s the deal, modern consumers are savvier these days. The speed in which they are able to search, review, and buy products are made seamless because of where retail is happening–online. eMarketer estimates that ecommerce will account for 14.6% of total worldwide retail sales, topping $4 trillion by 2020. But we already know that. So what’s the real story? According to Forrester, cross-border transactions will outpace domestic transactions at a compound rate of 17% between 2017 and 2022. Read More

Newegg Global – Expand to the markets that make sense for you

By Webinars

According to eMarketer, worldwide retail e-commerce sales will top $4 trillion by 2020 and double digit growth will continue through the year. This is an astounding projection, but comes as no surprise.

Sellers are scaling their businesses through marketplaces. Many of them who are eager to tap into sales channels overseas face many challenges from local marketing to payment solutions to fulfillment.

Newegg and ChannelAdvisor will be co-hosting a webinar showing sellers how they can expand their business overseas through Newegg Global. This is an opportunity you do not want to miss out on.

In this webinar you will learn:
– About the benefits of taking your sales cross-border
– How to select markets that make the most sense for your business
– What marketing tools and logistics services are available
– How to get started