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How Changing Customer Expectations Impact Your Holiday Shipping

By Blog, Fulfillment, Guest Author, Holiday

Each year, more customers pivot from brick and mortar stores to online shopping. As this overall volume increases, it’s only logical that holiday sales would also trend upwards. In fact, 2018 Black Friday brought in $6.2 billion in online sales, a growth of 23.6% year over year. Naturally, with increased online holiday shopping there is an increase in holiday shipping. And while there are more opportunities to attract more customers, this also makes for that much more competition. Understanding changing consumer demand is what makes you stand out among the competition and is your best shot at winning more sales and gaining repeat customers once the holiday season ends.

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Post Purchase Emails: Connecting You to Marketplace Customers

By Blog


Now more than ever, connecting with customers in an honest and clear manner is paramount to retaining them as loyal shoppers. Winning a spot in their inbox is a privilege, and sending only the most impactful messages will ensure a lasting relationship that is beneficial to both sides. In this article, we cover the Newegg Post Purchase Email program that gives sellers the ability to communicate directly with their Newegg customers, and stand out above the crowd.

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How Will Increasing Fulfillment Fees Impact Your Business This Year?

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As more marketplace sellers become dependent on fulfillment services to provide easy and seamless shopping experiences for their customers, the impact of ever-increasing storage, shipping, and other fulfillment fees is creating ripple effects across on the e-commerce industry. Though these changes to fulfillment fees reflect the growing industry trends for “free” and faster deliveries, we wanted to compile these changes that sellers can expect in 2019 and hopefully aid them in their business planning. Before addressing these updates, know that sellers who utilize Newegg fulfillment services can rest assured that their costs will remain consistent, be reliably lower than the competition, and stay focused on the best interests of our sellers.  Read More

Holiday Fulfillment: Your Guide to Happy Customers

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In past blogs, we detailed the best ways to prime and promote your products to take advantage of this incredibly busy holiday season. This chapter is about taking a wider view of one of the quickest profit drains of the season: Shipping and Returns. We will detail the latest industry trends and the fulfillment tools available for Newegg sellers to proactively address rising customer expectations, 3PL fees, and high RMAs. Read More