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4 Principles for Creating Unique Product Listings

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Boosting your Marketplace Listings in Search Engine Rankings

If you’re a marketplace seller you may think your product listings’ rank on search engines like Google and Bing is beyond your control. In reality, most marketplace sellers can impact one of the most important search ranking factors: product content. Highlighting the importance of on-page content, Google’s own guide to search engine optimization (SEO) states, “Creating compelling and useful content will likely influence your website more than any of the other factors discussed…”. Creating “compelling and useful content” starts with creating unique content that searchers can’t find elsewhere. By crafting original product descriptions, marketplace sellers can separate their product listings from the throng of other pages and websites on the internet. Here are 4 guidelines for developing unique product content for your marketplace listings:

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3 Reasons to Sell on Multiple E-Commerce Marketplaces

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You’ve probably heard the age old financial advice to diversify or to put it another way, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. This principle of diversification isn’t just sage advice for investors but also for online retailers. As e-commerce retail continues to grow (15.1% last year alone), online marketplaces are becoming a go-to choice for consumers with 50% of online retail sales occurring on marketplaces. For most retailers the question is no longer, “should I sell on a marketplace?”, but rather, “how many marketplaces should I sell on?”. Here are 3 reasons why you should sell on more than one online marketplace: Read More

Tips for Streamlining Inventory Management

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This is a guest blog post written by inventory management provider eComdash

One of the toughest parts of running an ecommerce business is inventory management. It’s also one of the most important elements. When inventory is not managed effectively, business owners can’t forecast sales accurately, potentially leading to shipment delays and dissatisfied customers.

Forecasting is not the only area affected by inventory mismanagement, cash flow is impacted as well. Carrying too much stock ties up money needed elsewhere, and not having enough inventory leads to overselling. Both scenarios affect your bottom line.

Implementing a robust and effective inventory management process helps accurately track stock levels, forecast future sales, and optimize purchase order processes. It reduces the likelihood of overstocking, under-stocking, and overselling – factors that influence how your business thrives.

To help get your inventory management operation on track, we’ve put a few tips together to streamline the process. Read More

Cross Border

How marketplaces are the future of cross-border e-commerce

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Cross-border sales are growing rapidly, which country is right for your business?

Here’s the deal, modern consumers are savvier these days. The speed in which they are able to search, review, and buy products are made seamless because of where retail is happening–online. eMarketer estimates that ecommerce will account for 14.6% of total worldwide retail sales, topping $4 trillion by 2020. But we already know that. So what’s the real story? According to Forrester, cross-border transactions will outpace domestic transactions at a compound rate of 17% between 2017 and 2022. Read More

Newegg Eggie Awards

The Eggies 2017 – 13th Annual Award Winners

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The Eggie Awards – Newegg kicks off 2017 by recognizing and thanking the partners who made 2016 a successful year.

Silicon Valley’s Thomas Middleditch hosted Newegg’s 13th annual Eggie Awards, held at the Omnia Nightclub at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas on January 5th. The Eggie Awards are accolades presented by Newegg, recognizing vendors, partners, sellers, and customers for their excellence and contributions to Newegg. The event brought together notable companies such as Intel, Samsung, Indiegogo, and Adorama to name a few. Throughout the evening, Middleditch entertained attendees by cracking jokes about his personal enthusiasm for PC’s and gaming during his youth, while industry leaders enjoyed themselves to cocktails and music.

A total of 40 Eggies were handed out. And the winners are…

Most Innovative Customer Service Initiative INTHECHAT
Marketplace Best Platform Partner Indiegogo
Marketplace Best Global Seller Veho
Marketplace Best Campaign Launch Partner Dept. for Int’l Trade, UK
Marketplace Seller of the Year Adorama
Marketplace Best Brand Partner Panasonic
Marketplace Special Contribution Award Antonline
Best SBN Partner Cryostore
Best Marketing Platform Monetate
Geek of the Year Serious Gaming
Top Affiliate of the Year Skimlinks
Payment Partner of the Year American Express
NeweggBusiness Partner of the Year Dell
Best International Logistics Partner Purolator
Best Logistics Partner FedEx
Best Supply Chain Partner FP International
Best Last Mile Transportation Partner InPost
Partner of the Year G.Skill
Partner of the Year ASUS
Partner of the Year MSI
Partner of the Year Intel
Supporting Vendor of the Year LG Electronics
Supporting Vendor of the Year WD
Supporting Vendor of the Year Lenovo
Supporting Vendor of the Year AMD
Supporting Vendor of the Year Acer
Best eSports Partner of the Year Thermaltake
Best Gaming Hardware Partner of the Year Corsair
Best Gaming Technology Partner of the Year Nvidia
Best Overall Growth GIGABYTE
Best Overall Growth EVGA
Best Distributor of the Year Ingram Micro Inc
Exclusive Mobile Launch Partner of the Year ZTE USA
Exclusive Launch Partner of the Year G-Style
Social Media Marketing Partner of the Year Seagate
Marketing Partner of the Year Intel
Best New Vendor Huawei
Best Consumer Technology Innovator Samsung
Best Supporting Manufacturer Hewlett Packard Inc. (Canada)

New Year, New Campaigns, Larger Opportunities

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Growing categories usher in the New Year.

2017 looks to be another promising year for many online merchants. According to eMarketer, e-commerce sales will reach nearly $441 billion in 2017 with consumer electronics and computer hardware taking the lion’s share. A number of product categories are predicted to experience sales growth as well.

Specifically, the Toys and Hobbies category continues surging due to greater demand for drones from recreational and commercial users. The theme of “Everything Connected” with regards to Home Automation and Home Improvement is gaining wider adoption as companies simplify their products, making them more intuitive for the average consumer. Following suit to them are the health, fitness, and small home appliance categories.

What does all of this mean for online merchants like yourself? New revenue streams for 2017. Newegg is launching a series of campaigns tapping those industries. Our customers are looking for new hobbies, healthier lifestyles, and cool projects to get started on. If you carry these products, let’s get them to the right customers and jump start your business for greater success in 2017. Participate now by reaching out to us.

5 Best Practices to Boost Sales during the Holiday Season

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You have every intention to increase your sales during the holiday season (naturally), but just can’t seem to nail down an effective strategy. Days and weeks pass, and still no actionable plan. Soon enough, the holiday season is in full swing. Once that happens, you’re scrambling- hoping to capture some sales, and realizing it’s too late. The agony. Another missed opportunity. Does it always have to be this way?

It doesn’t.

We’ve compiled 5 best practices you should keep in mind when crafting your Q4 sales strategy.

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5 Tips for On-page SEO Greatness

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is the marketing buzzword of the decade (only rivaled by the explosive growth of content marketing). The reason for the popularity is simple- our reliance on search engines for information has created a demand for pages to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). Due to the flood of content available on the internet today, there is an excess of information and a shortage of customer attention. As a result, you not only need to rank on the SERPs; you need to rank high.

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Emerging Tech: 3 Markets Shaping the Future of E-Commerce

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Automated thermostats, technology embedded in your clothing and virtual reality: Are these fictions from an alternate universe or the future of consumer electronics?

As a tech marketplace, Newegg has a vested interest in the latest technological innovations. We are finely in tune with what trends are becoming prime market opportunities for our customers and sellers alike.

In this post, we look at the emerging tech that may alter the course of e-commerce — and history — as we know it.

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