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With consumers feeling the pinch of rising inflation and the burden of higher living costs, it will take more than just low pricing to entice shoppers to spend. Offering flawless customer service with fast order processing is one way to win over customers. Newegg has introduced a new process for seller payouts to encourage timely order processing to ensure customer orders ship on time with accurate, traceable tracking information.

Maintain Customer Satisfaction and Get Paid More Quickly

We insist that Marketplace sellers maintain a high standard of service and that expectation of reliability drives customer engagement on Newegg’s platforms. Our system automatically connects seller payments to order tracking and delivery to assist with this goal. Connecting seller payment with successful order tracking and delivery motivates rapid fulfillment. Such efforts create buyer confidence while also encouraging return business.

Increase Your Seller Performance by Following Marketplace Policy

These changes are not punitive but rather an incentive for adhering to seller best practices. Rapid order turnarounds are essential to providing the service customers expect from Newegg. When customers see active tracking, they are confident their order will arrive safely and when expected. Provide customers with peace of mind, and they will provide you with repeat business.

Having a “No Delivery Status” Incurs Payment Delays

Sales orders with accurate, traceable tracking information but no status for delivery will have payments deferred for 30 days after the sales order shipment date on and For sales orders with accurate tracking information but no status for delivery, seller disbursement will occur 45 days after the sales order shipment date.

Lack of Traceable Tracking Results in Seller Non-Payment

The seller will not receive payment if a sales order does not have traceable tracking information. Avoid this situation which would almost certainly involve a chargeback from the customer and a lowered seller performance rating. It is always best to ensure that any order shipped out uses a Newegg Authorized Carrier and has accurate tracking information.

Drop-Shipping May Result in Non-Payment

A known issue for “drop shipping” products from sites like Amazon is that their carrier service does not make tracking information available except in specific circumstances. For example, shipping without tracking is problematic for Newegg’s Marketplace sellers. It will result in non-payment due to a lack of traceable tracking information and the inability to confirm whether the seller shipped the order or that the buyer received it. Amazon does provide traceable tracking but only for shipments generated from MCF in which sellers own the inventory and use Amazon’s fulfillment services to create shipments.

Get Paid Sooner While Making Your Customers Happier

Ultimately, buyers want to receive their items quickly. Likewise, sellers desire payment, and the new logic implemented in Newegg’s seller disbursement policy facilitates the needs of both customer and seller. Ensuring each party is treated fairly and provided with the best outcomes possible creates a thriving marketplace where buyers and sellers enjoy mutual success.

Disbursement Schedule Varies by Platform and Shipping Outcome

For and, sales orders displaying accurate tracking and a delivered status, the seller’s payment occurs seven calendar days from the order’s delivery date. sales orders with precise tracking and showing a delivered status have payouts 25 calendar days from the delivery date. Newegg offers complete fulfillment options for sellers with our Shipped by Newegg service. We ship 99.6% of orders within 24 hours from our bustling logistics centers giving your customers fast order processing and maintaining a high seller rating for you.